WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:00.506 --> 00:00:13.486 align:middle [ Music ] 00:00:13.986 --> 00:00:16.926 align:middle >> Good afternoon everyone and thank you for joining us today. 00:00:17.336 --> 00:00:22.166 align:middle I'm your host Rich Lieberman, the CalMHSA Lead Consultant with the Center for Distance 00:00:22.166 --> 00:00:25.016 align:middle and Online Learning of the Los Angeles County Office 00:00:25.016 --> 00:00:27.806 align:middle of Education affectionately known as LACOE. 00:00:28.286 --> 00:00:33.096 align:middle I want to welcome you to the second in the series of Webinars sponsored by LACOE 00:00:33.266 --> 00:00:39.346 align:middle and the California County Superintendence Region 11, K12 Student Mental Health Initiative. 00:00:40.016 --> 00:00:44.386 align:middle These are your CalMHSA California Proposition 63 dollars at work. 00:00:45.066 --> 00:00:47.236 align:middle And we're coming to you live from LACOE. 00:00:47.566 --> 00:00:50.816 align:middle And this will be an interactive webcast so we look forward 00:00:50.816 --> 00:00:53.576 align:middle to your questions and comments a we go along. 00:00:54.646 --> 00:00:59.586 align:middle Today, we're going to talk about bullying prevention and intervention in schools. 00:01:00.106 --> 00:01:03.656 align:middle As you are all aware, bullying has become a hot issue 00:01:03.656 --> 00:01:07.946 align:middle over the last few years, sadly, for very good reasons. 00:01:08.326 --> 00:01:15.906 align:middle It is vital that we understand that bullying is not a normal acceptable part of growing up. 00:01:15.906 --> 00:01:20.276 align:middle Our aim for this Webinar is to present to you with clear information about bullying. 00:01:20.756 --> 00:01:26.906 align:middle What it is, what policies currently exist and some concrete recommendations of how to deal 00:01:26.906 --> 00:01:30.716 align:middle with it within the context of the L.A. County School System. 00:01:31.736 --> 00:01:36.656 align:middle Today we are extremely lucky to welcome two very special guests to our studios. 00:01:37.136 --> 00:01:43.826 align:middle I'd like to introduce Sara Train, who is the Coordinator of Project SPIN, a joint project run 00:01:43.826 --> 00:01:48.896 align:middle by the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center and the Los Angeles Unified School District. 00:01:49.686 --> 00:01:50.296 align:middle Welcome Sara. 00:01:50.456 --> 00:01:52.146 align:middle >> Hi Rich thank you for having us. 00:01:52.516 --> 00:01:53.926 align:middle >> Tell us a little bit about SPIN. 00:01:54.226 --> 00:01:57.706 align:middle >> SPIN stands for Suicide Prevention Intervention Now. 00:01:57.916 --> 00:02:01.426 align:middle It's a project that as you mentioned is a partnership between the L.A. Gay 00:02:01.426 --> 00:02:06.126 align:middle and Lesbian Center and L.A. Unified School District along with other agencies. 00:02:06.326 --> 00:02:11.106 align:middle About 20 agencies that come together to do support in school communities 00:02:11.106 --> 00:02:18.026 align:middle around metal health and really supporting LGBTQ+ families in any kind of school community. 00:02:18.406 --> 00:02:21.016 align:middle >> Well we'll also come back and we'll look at some of the resources 00:02:21.016 --> 00:02:23.146 align:middle of the SPIN project a little bit later in the show. 00:02:23.146 --> 00:02:23.626 align:middle >> Yes we will. 00:02:23.776 --> 00:02:27.796 align:middle >> But we are also fortunate to have my good friend Dr. Judy Chiasson 00:02:27.796 --> 00:02:33.906 align:middle from Los Angeles Unified School District's Office of Human Relations Diversity and Equity. 00:02:34.856 --> 00:02:35.736 align:middle Welcome Judy. 00:02:35.956 --> 00:02:38.406 align:middle >> Thank you very much for having me here Rich. 00:02:38.406 --> 00:02:39.376 align:middle I appreciate it. 00:02:39.706 --> 00:02:43.446 align:middle >> Tell us a little bit about the Office of Human Relations Equity 00:02:43.446 --> 00:02:46.206 align:middle and Diversity or Diversity and Equity? 00:02:46.206 --> 00:02:49.086 align:middle >> My partner Holly Priebe-Diaz and I make up the office 00:02:49.086 --> 00:02:50.906 align:middle of Human Relations Diversity and Equity. 00:02:51.376 --> 00:02:55.186 align:middle And we are under the leadership of Dr. Earl Perkins in School Operations. 00:02:56.156 --> 00:02:59.526 align:middle And our focus is to look at multiple ways 00:02:59.616 --> 00:03:03.786 align:middle to support school's positive engagement, positive interactions. 00:03:03.826 --> 00:03:08.276 align:middle So we look at bullying, we look at hazing, intergroup conflicts, mediations. 00:03:08.766 --> 00:03:11.536 align:middle Just a variety of things to help out people feel more connected. 00:03:12.076 --> 00:03:15.686 align:middle >> And you have some of the most wonderful materials all posted 00:03:15.686 --> 00:03:16.986 align:middle on the internet and we'll talk about those. 00:03:16.986 --> 00:03:18.006 align:middle >> Right. Thank you. 00:03:18.006 --> 00:03:19.516 align:middle >> We'll talk about those a little bit later. 00:03:20.216 --> 00:03:23.296 align:middle It's always best to start off with some definitions. 00:03:23.356 --> 00:03:25.756 align:middle So Sara, what is bullying? 00:03:26.166 --> 00:03:32.206 align:middle >> That is such a good question especially since the term bullying has been used to talk 00:03:32.206 --> 00:03:39.196 align:middle about so many different things now anything from maybe a very serious harassment incident 00:03:39.196 --> 00:03:42.136 align:middle to something that might seem as an accident. 00:03:42.266 --> 00:03:44.186 align:middle So it's important to understand the definition. 00:03:44.846 --> 00:03:48.676 align:middle This definition might seem a little long but it has some critical components. 00:03:48.806 --> 00:03:51.906 align:middle Effective July 1st 2012. 00:03:52.106 --> 00:03:58.646 align:middle Any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct including electronic communications, 00:03:58.646 --> 00:04:02.386 align:middle that's really important, that can be reasonably predicted to have 00:04:02.446 --> 00:04:04.436 align:middle or has had the following outcomes. 00:04:05.066 --> 00:04:11.586 align:middle Reasonable fear or harm to person or property, substantially detrimental effect on physical 00:04:11.586 --> 00:04:15.996 align:middle or mental health and substantial interference with academic performance 00:04:15.996 --> 00:04:20.536 align:middle and the last one substantial interference with ability to participate in 00:04:20.986 --> 00:04:23.266 align:middle or benefit from school activities. 00:04:23.596 --> 00:04:26.276 align:middle Like I said it's a little bit long-winded but we want to get 00:04:26.276 --> 00:04:27.986 align:middle into this definition a little bit more. 00:04:27.986 --> 00:04:30.586 align:middle So Judy what does all these mean? 00:04:31.326 --> 00:04:36.576 align:middle >> Well there's some keywords in this definition that the state offered to help guide schools. 00:04:36.576 --> 00:04:36.686 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:04:37.406 --> 00:04:40.316 align:middle >> First of them are severe or pervasive. 00:04:41.046 --> 00:04:45.826 align:middle So in bullying, there's two-- there's these two criteria is we can have it 00:04:45.826 --> 00:04:47.856 align:middle in somewhat minor behavior. 00:04:47.856 --> 00:04:51.756 align:middle Say as-- say name calling, it could be a minor behavior. 00:04:52.146 --> 00:04:56.656 align:middle And something like a minor behavior would have to occur many, many times. 00:04:56.656 --> 00:05:00.746 align:middle It would have to be pervasive for it to meet the criteria of bullying. 00:05:01.206 --> 00:05:06.766 align:middle Whereas something that's severe say an act of physical aggression does not need to have met 00:05:06.766 --> 00:05:10.056 align:middle that threshold frequency in order to be considered bullying. 00:05:10.516 --> 00:05:15.966 align:middle And then there's the other word in there which is reasonable and that's such a critical word 00:05:16.396 --> 00:05:22.586 align:middle because often times the experience of being bullied or in experience of you know, 00:05:22.926 --> 00:05:27.346 align:middle does one feel that they've been bullied but is it, everybody reasonable. 00:05:27.716 --> 00:05:33.786 align:middle Some people have very high levels of resiliency and they just don't see bullying anywhere. 00:05:33.866 --> 00:05:39.026 align:middle Maybe it's a student with a cognitive impairment may not recognize it is an act of bullying. 00:05:39.306 --> 00:05:44.386 align:middle Or we might have somebody who is very extremely sensitive 00:05:44.386 --> 00:05:46.696 align:middle and they're seeing bullying very frequently. 00:05:47.026 --> 00:05:50.986 align:middle And so in these kinds of situations what the school committee would look 00:05:50.986 --> 00:05:56.316 align:middle at as the school leadership would say, would most people agree that that behavior was 00:05:56.316 --> 00:06:01.286 align:middle in fact objectionably offensive and had a high likelihood of creating harm. 00:06:01.476 --> 00:06:05.906 align:middle >> And is that agreement based on the adult's perception or the student's perception? 00:06:05.906 --> 00:06:07.346 align:middle >> It was really-- it's more of the adult's. 00:06:07.466 --> 00:06:10.116 align:middle But the adults need to look at it from the perspective of a child-- 00:06:10.116 --> 00:06:10.256 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:06:10.396 --> 00:06:11.506 align:middle >> -- of a youth. 00:06:11.896 --> 00:06:20.406 align:middle So recognizing that say an adult being much, much older might say you know, 00:06:20.406 --> 00:06:22.086 align:middle you don't really-- you don't need to care what people say. 00:06:22.086 --> 00:06:26.826 align:middle But you know, looking at it in the context of youth culture gossip, painful gossip, 00:06:26.826 --> 00:06:30.136 align:middle making a Facebook page about somebody for in the-- 00:06:30.136 --> 00:06:33.136 align:middle at that age that could be extremely traumatizing. 00:06:33.436 --> 00:06:35.746 align:middle So we have to look at it with that in mind. 00:06:36.046 --> 00:06:36.606 align:middle >> That's great. 00:06:36.816 --> 00:06:37.246 align:middle Thank you. 00:06:38.496 --> 00:06:44.026 align:middle >> And I do believe we have a question already. 00:06:44.576 --> 00:06:47.486 align:middle And you know, coming up we're going to talk about statistics 00:06:47.486 --> 00:06:50.286 align:middle but the question is, is bullying underreported? 00:06:50.546 --> 00:06:57.106 align:middle >> Well, it's interesting because I think in a lot of schools bullying is underreported only 00:06:57.106 --> 00:07:00.336 align:middle because there's that fear of retaliation of what's going to happen. 00:07:00.336 --> 00:07:02.966 align:middle So I would say I think there is a lot more bullying 00:07:02.966 --> 00:07:05.396 align:middle that happens than we actually hear about. 00:07:06.196 --> 00:07:07.126 align:middle What do you think about that Judy? 00:07:07.246 --> 00:07:12.616 align:middle >> Well, I'm going to say yes and more because we do know that the majority 00:07:12.616 --> 00:07:17.716 align:middle of bullying is not even witnessed by adults and so students are hesitant to report. 00:07:18.206 --> 00:07:22.386 align:middle And at the same concurrently, there is an overreporting-- 00:07:22.446 --> 00:07:27.126 align:middle an overidentification of behaviors that that people identify as bullying. 00:07:27.476 --> 00:07:32.606 align:middle So let's say somebody is hungry they rush to the front of the line because they're really hungry 00:07:32.606 --> 00:07:33.756 align:middle and they want to get their lunch. 00:07:34.156 --> 00:07:38.166 align:middle Somebody might say that they're-- that was an act of bullying when really it wasn't bullying. 00:07:38.166 --> 00:07:41.746 align:middle There wasn't an intent to cause harm, that person was just really hungry you know, 00:07:41.746 --> 00:07:44.156 align:middle and was rushing and had to you know, catch the bus. 00:07:44.606 --> 00:07:46.586 align:middle And so we find that people are using 00:07:46.586 --> 00:07:49.936 align:middle that word bullying far more broadly than it's really appropriate. 00:07:49.936 --> 00:07:50.526 align:middle >> Interesting. 00:07:51.276 --> 00:07:54.136 align:middle >> So Judy, talk a little bit about this slide. 00:07:54.136 --> 00:07:59.856 align:middle >> I love this slide because it shows how much this is in the eye of the beholder. 00:08:00.196 --> 00:08:05.636 align:middle I do feel that right now, there are culture around bullying, this we have this tendency 00:08:05.636 --> 00:08:10.726 align:middle to kind of create the person who perpetrates the bully as really demonic that they're very evil 00:08:10.726 --> 00:08:14.826 align:middle and they're very [inaudible] people who are out to wreak maximum harm. 00:08:15.156 --> 00:08:18.956 align:middle Whereas in the target as somebody who is very sweet and innocent. 00:08:19.066 --> 00:08:25.806 align:middle And we know that interpersonal relationships are far more complex than nuance than that, right? 00:08:25.806 --> 00:08:26.336 align:middle People-- 00:08:26.576 --> 00:08:27.156 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:08:27.586 --> 00:08:31.036 align:middle >> You know, it's-- how is it, you know, what's going on in this relationship. 00:08:31.296 --> 00:08:35.816 align:middle Sometimes in bullying it starts out, there's a lot of reciprocity and they're going back 00:08:35.816 --> 00:08:39.976 align:middle and forth, back and forth until one of them just you know, place that trunk card. 00:08:40.406 --> 00:08:43.526 align:middle And now they say and it went a little bit too far 00:08:44.196 --> 00:08:46.066 align:middle and now they say, OK, so now that's bullying. 00:08:46.496 --> 00:08:52.126 align:middle So don't like to kind of create this binary that the bully is an evil person 00:08:52.126 --> 00:08:54.746 align:middle and the target is very completely innocent. 00:08:54.986 --> 00:08:56.806 align:middle You need to look at everything in context. 00:08:57.416 --> 00:09:00.236 align:middle >> OK. Let's move on to the statistics. 00:09:00.466 --> 00:09:03.656 align:middle Judy, let's talk a little bit about the statistics of bullying. 00:09:04.116 --> 00:09:06.946 align:middle >> Well, the statistics kind of put it in reference. 00:09:06.946 --> 00:09:08.836 align:middle Well most people are very concerned that-- 00:09:08.976 --> 00:09:13.006 align:middle it's usually parents are concerned that their children might be the targets of bullying. 00:09:13.076 --> 00:09:13.286 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:09:13.446 --> 00:09:18.566 align:middle >> When in fact we know that statistically there's a fairly equal chance 00:09:18.636 --> 00:09:20.836 align:middle that the child might be the perpetrator or the target. 00:09:21.236 --> 00:09:26.046 align:middle So, about 13 percent of students engage in behavior that would be considered bullying. 00:09:26.516 --> 00:09:28.956 align:middle About 11 percent are targeted with bullying. 00:09:28.956 --> 00:09:33.356 align:middle And then there's that 6 percent which are very interesting that play both roles. 00:09:33.796 --> 00:09:38.306 align:middle So it just kind of depends on the situation how they're engaging with others. 00:09:38.366 --> 00:09:44.266 align:middle >> Yeah. So often what we do the workshops in schools we'll ask you know room of teachers 00:09:44.266 --> 00:09:47.166 align:middle or parents if they've ever seen a bully, right? 00:09:47.166 --> 00:09:51.366 align:middle And usually they can really pinpoint when that incident is coming from a bully. 00:09:51.836 --> 00:09:54.736 align:middle But it's not always that we report some incident 00:09:54.736 --> 00:09:58.646 align:middle that we've perpetrated being a bullying incident, right, 00:09:58.646 --> 00:09:59.976 align:middle because it's easier to see it in other people. 00:10:00.066 --> 00:10:00.856 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:10:00.856 --> 00:10:03.486 align:middle People use the word bullying to refer to the other person's-- 00:10:03.486 --> 00:10:03.676 align:middle >> Right. 00:10:03.676 --> 00:10:04.206 align:middle >> -- behavior. 00:10:04.206 --> 00:10:04.956 align:middle Never their own. 00:10:04.956 --> 00:10:05.586 align:middle >> Never their own. 00:10:05.646 --> 00:10:10.466 align:middle Right. Another statistic that I want to share Rich is regarding cyberbullying. 00:10:11.156 --> 00:10:14.646 align:middle This is something that we're going to talk a little bit more about is really important 00:10:14.646 --> 00:10:18.136 align:middle in schools because we see that youth that were cyberbullied 00:10:18.276 --> 00:10:21.076 align:middle about 42 percent of them say they felt scared. 00:10:21.526 --> 00:10:25.426 align:middle And out of the same study, 23 percent were looking for revenge. 00:10:25.516 --> 00:10:28.456 align:middle And that makes an impact on the school environment. 00:10:28.756 --> 00:10:33.986 align:middle Very directly because you have youth that are both feeling scared and are feeling the sense 00:10:33.986 --> 00:10:36.336 align:middle of needing to get revenge and that comes into the school. 00:10:36.336 --> 00:10:40.096 align:middle So it goes back to the definition of what is bullying. 00:10:40.096 --> 00:10:44.306 align:middle Now, if it makes an impact then it can be considered bullying. 00:10:44.736 --> 00:10:48.656 align:middle Judy before we move on, I want to, want to talk about prime targets. 00:10:48.736 --> 00:10:54.986 align:middle Can you give me a sense of what do we know to be some prime targets of bullying. 00:10:55.226 --> 00:10:58.856 align:middle >> Sure. There are certain characteristics that students have 00:10:58.916 --> 00:11:01.116 align:middle that sometimes might trigger bullying. 00:11:01.306 --> 00:11:05.326 align:middle And I want to say this very sensitively because I never want to imply 00:11:05.736 --> 00:11:09.056 align:middle that I am making a victim responsible for what happens to them. 00:11:09.056 --> 00:11:11.336 align:middle That's not at all where I'm going. 00:11:11.646 --> 00:11:16.266 align:middle But there are certain things that seem to increase the likelihood. 00:11:16.266 --> 00:11:16.366 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:11:16.896 --> 00:11:21.316 align:middle >> One thing is social isolation. 00:11:21.726 --> 00:11:25.976 align:middle So, a child who is maybe new to the school doesn't have any friends, 00:11:25.976 --> 00:11:29.206 align:middle doesn't have the social skills to really engage positively 00:11:29.206 --> 00:11:33.016 align:middle with peers more likely to be targeted with bullying. 00:11:33.456 --> 00:11:40.816 align:middle Sometimes girls who are very pretty, boys who are smart, children who may have autism 00:11:40.816 --> 00:11:45.646 align:middle or Asperger's, children who are overweight and children who are perceived 00:11:45.646 --> 00:11:47.656 align:middle to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. 00:11:48.246 --> 00:11:55.256 align:middle Those are the-- those seem to be the most common types of bullying that are perpetrated. 00:11:55.726 --> 00:11:59.476 align:middle >> And I want to talk a little bit more about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, 00:11:59.476 --> 00:12:01.726 align:middle transgender student or those who are perceived. 00:12:01.726 --> 00:12:03.056 align:middle That's an important part of that-- 00:12:03.056 --> 00:12:03.716 align:middle >> Very important. 00:12:03.716 --> 00:12:09.706 align:middle >> -- statistic that we know based on the study of GLSEN a nonprofit has the nationally. 00:12:09.706 --> 00:12:14.306 align:middle This was written in 2007 that nearly nine out of ten lesbian, gay, bisexual, 00:12:14.306 --> 00:12:17.006 align:middle transgender students, it's about 86 percent, 00:12:17.536 --> 00:12:21.146 align:middle that experience harassment day to day and in their schools. 00:12:21.426 --> 00:12:26.926 align:middle And I think this numbers actually underreported because when I go into schools it sounds 00:12:26.926 --> 00:12:31.906 align:middle like it's fairly common to hear a lot of antigay harassment. 00:12:32.546 --> 00:12:37.106 align:middle >> It seems like an important part of this discussion is also understanding more 00:12:37.106 --> 00:12:40.286 align:middle in depth what are the different types of bullying. 00:12:40.446 --> 00:12:42.876 align:middle So Sara can you share us some of those with us? 00:12:42.876 --> 00:12:43.606 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:12:43.726 --> 00:12:47.706 align:middle I think it is important because it helps us really pinpoint what's going on, right? 00:12:47.706 --> 00:12:49.136 align:middle So it's part of our, of our investigation. 00:12:49.136 --> 00:12:50.956 align:middle So let me just list and go through a couple. 00:12:51.316 --> 00:12:56.726 align:middle Verbal which can include making derogatory comments, teasing, name calling. 00:12:56.766 --> 00:13:02.156 align:middle Physical bullying which can be kicking, punching, spitting. 00:13:02.386 --> 00:13:06.996 align:middle Sexual bullying which can include humiliating someone because of their sex, 00:13:07.146 --> 00:13:10.186 align:middle their gender, or their sexual orientation. 00:13:10.686 --> 00:13:14.366 align:middle Social bullying which is spreading rumors, isolation, 00:13:14.436 --> 00:13:17.576 align:middle not playing with somebody, making them feel left out. 00:13:17.576 --> 00:13:23.176 align:middle And then, cyberbullying which can include sending or posting messages, pictures, 00:13:23.176 --> 00:13:29.356 align:middle making Facebook post as well as using other devices can all be considered part 00:13:29.356 --> 00:13:30.076 align:middle of cyberbullying. 00:13:30.926 --> 00:13:35.196 align:middle >> You know and given the prevalence of cyberbullying we kind of like 00:13:35.196 --> 00:13:37.896 align:middle to discuss that in greater depth. 00:13:37.896 --> 00:13:42.216 align:middle >> Cyberbullying has some unique twist to it over face-to-face bullying 00:13:42.636 --> 00:13:47.676 align:middle because in face-to-face bullying if I was to say something that was inappropriate 00:13:47.676 --> 00:13:50.216 align:middle or hurtful, I would see your reaction. 00:13:50.296 --> 00:13:53.586 align:middle And I would get that feedback that maybe I had crossed the line. 00:13:53.586 --> 00:13:57.696 align:middle And just your expression would be a lesson for me. 00:13:58.086 --> 00:14:03.526 align:middle But because of electronic communications, we're deprived to that feedback loop. 00:14:03.986 --> 00:14:08.946 align:middle And so people are posting things or they're sending things and they really don't get 00:14:08.946 --> 00:14:12.596 align:middle to experience the full scope of the impact of their words. 00:14:13.416 --> 00:14:17.826 align:middle Now, on the part of the targets they now are feeling-- 00:14:17.826 --> 00:14:20.726 align:middle they could be tremendously re-victimized. 00:14:20.756 --> 00:14:26.166 align:middle Because once something is posted, it can be reposted, it can be shared, it can go viral-- 00:14:26.166 --> 00:14:26.256 align:middle >> Right. 00:14:26.576 --> 00:14:28.036 align:middle >> -- and it follows them everywhere. 00:14:28.036 --> 00:14:29.166 align:middle It's 24/7. 00:14:29.166 --> 00:14:30.356 align:middle There's no getting away from it. 00:14:30.356 --> 00:14:33.406 align:middle Their phone is beeping and they are constantly, you know, 00:14:33.706 --> 00:14:35.946 align:middle worried that another person has seen that post. 00:14:36.446 --> 00:14:42.266 align:middle And so the, the capacity to bully on-- like I think you had said about the megaphone-- 00:14:42.536 --> 00:14:42.756 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:14:42.926 --> 00:14:45.886 align:middle >> -- is what cyberbullying allows to happen. 00:14:45.886 --> 00:14:49.306 align:middle >> Right. So, it's like giving any student a megaphone 00:14:49.306 --> 00:14:52.436 align:middle that just makes it that much more loud, right? 00:14:52.436 --> 00:14:52.606 align:middle >> Yes. 00:14:52.606 --> 00:14:55.966 align:middle >> The message and it also can make it feel permanent. 00:14:56.106 --> 00:14:59.256 align:middle >> Yes. And sometimes they don't even know who's doing it. 00:14:59.256 --> 00:14:59.366 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:14:59.366 --> 00:15:02.316 align:middle >> So there's-- it's-- they're not able to respond to it. 00:15:03.116 --> 00:15:03.916 align:middle >> This just in. 00:15:03.976 --> 00:15:04.996 align:middle We have another question. 00:15:06.516 --> 00:15:07.416 align:middle I like this question. 00:15:07.416 --> 00:15:13.166 align:middle How should I approach a child that is cyberbullying his or her peers in my classroom? 00:15:13.166 --> 00:15:14.666 align:middle >> That's a tricky question. 00:15:15.096 --> 00:15:18.776 align:middle Well I would want to ask a little bit more information about what's going on. 00:15:18.976 --> 00:15:23.916 align:middle But it's important to address that these are teachable moments even in the classroom. 00:15:24.056 --> 00:15:29.016 align:middle Because that's when it comes out, right, it doesn't just happen out in the playground 00:15:29.016 --> 00:15:31.476 align:middle and then stop once people come in to the classroom. 00:15:31.826 --> 00:15:32.756 align:middle It will continue. 00:15:32.756 --> 00:15:36.006 align:middle So, I think, it's very important thing for teachers to feel 00:15:36.006 --> 00:15:40.186 align:middle like they can have teachable moments even in the classroom. 00:15:40.426 --> 00:15:40.766 align:middle Judy? 00:15:41.226 --> 00:15:46.556 align:middle >> Yeah. Part of-- this is a very good question because that the teacher says in the classroom. 00:15:46.556 --> 00:15:50.466 align:middle But I don't know if this cyberbullying is occurring during school hours. 00:15:50.956 --> 00:15:51.826 align:middle But if ever it be happening-- 00:15:51.866 --> 00:15:54.636 align:middle >> Because they shouldn't be on their devices in the classroom? 00:15:54.636 --> 00:15:55.186 align:middle >> Exactly. 00:15:55.386 --> 00:15:58.476 align:middle So, we do have a lot of authority over what happens, 00:15:58.476 --> 00:16:01.446 align:middle what students are doing during school hours, you know, on campus. 00:16:01.936 --> 00:16:06.726 align:middle But if the cyber bullying happens outside campus, personal computers, 00:16:06.866 --> 00:16:09.296 align:middle on the weekends it's outside of school hours. 00:16:09.696 --> 00:16:16.726 align:middle The state has given schools authority to intercede if there is a disruption 00:16:17.046 --> 00:16:19.706 align:middle to the school function, to the school activities. 00:16:20.096 --> 00:16:24.646 align:middle Now, of course the school doesn't have access to a student's say their social media, 00:16:25.116 --> 00:16:27.456 align:middle we have no authority to take things down. 00:16:27.646 --> 00:16:31.036 align:middle Thus the family that has to do something like that, but we can certainly work 00:16:31.036 --> 00:16:34.516 align:middle with those children on-- do educational interventions 00:16:34.516 --> 00:16:37.436 align:middle about the seriousness of their behaviors. 00:16:37.636 --> 00:16:43.046 align:middle >> And letting students know that what they post online is permanent and it's public information. 00:16:43.046 --> 00:16:46.886 align:middle >> I don't think they really understand this is a forever thing. 00:16:46.936 --> 00:16:51.756 align:middle >> And this is where there's a lot of awesome resources on the internet with small videos 00:16:51.786 --> 00:16:56.296 align:middle that you can actually show a class of your students and say, let's talk about this. 00:16:56.366 --> 00:16:57.946 align:middle What's going on this video? 00:16:58.356 --> 00:17:02.856 align:middle And to demonstrate the point that what you do say in a text message even 00:17:02.856 --> 00:17:06.616 align:middle if you think I'm sending it to my friend, they're never going to share that with anybody. 00:17:06.616 --> 00:17:08.246 align:middle It's out of your hands. 00:17:08.496 --> 00:17:10.046 align:middle You don't have control of where that goes. 00:17:10.536 --> 00:17:13.416 align:middle >> So, the next question is for either one of you. 00:17:14.466 --> 00:17:18.036 align:middle What is the difference between bullying someone and teasing them? 00:17:18.386 --> 00:17:24.266 align:middle >> I get this one all the time especially because parents say, oh, they're just teasing. 00:17:24.266 --> 00:17:27.366 align:middle And then the other parent might say, no, my child is being bullied. 00:17:27.366 --> 00:17:33.316 align:middle So there is clearly a disconnect between those two words that we often use, 00:17:33.396 --> 00:17:34.716 align:middle right, to describe the same thing. 00:17:35.256 --> 00:17:39.386 align:middle I think the key is to understand that bullying is unwanted behavior. 00:17:39.636 --> 00:17:43.116 align:middle And it has that intent to harm somebody, right? 00:17:43.116 --> 00:17:47.586 align:middle You can tease you friend, but when you're teasing them, you don't have the intent 00:17:47.586 --> 00:17:50.926 align:middle of harming them or ruining that relationship. 00:17:50.926 --> 00:17:55.896 align:middle It's quite the opposite, when you tease somebody, it's to make that relationship closer 00:17:56.196 --> 00:18:01.276 align:middle to have more of a connection with that person and that's what teasing is, right? 00:18:01.276 --> 00:18:06.946 align:middle So, to put it simply if there is an intent to harm, then that could be considered bullying. 00:18:07.246 --> 00:18:12.266 align:middle If they're teasing and somebody gets hurt, their feelings are hurt. 00:18:12.316 --> 00:18:17.046 align:middle Then that might be a personal conflict that you can then take steps to mediate and resolve. 00:18:17.556 --> 00:18:19.256 align:middle But the difference is the intent. 00:18:20.136 --> 00:18:23.996 align:middle >> OK. So, this seems like a really good time for a quiz. 00:18:23.996 --> 00:18:24.746 align:middle >> OK. 00:18:24.816 --> 00:18:25.006 align:middle >> Yes. 00:18:25.006 --> 00:18:25.496 align:middle >> All right. 00:18:25.586 --> 00:18:28.216 align:middle This quiz is called, Name That Behavior. 00:18:28.216 --> 00:18:30.016 align:middle So, I'm going to turn it over to you. 00:18:30.416 --> 00:18:31.146 align:middle >> Great. Well-- 00:18:31.346 --> 00:18:31.516 align:middle >> And-- 00:18:31.516 --> 00:18:33.836 align:middle >> We're going to quiz you with the first one Rich. 00:18:33.896 --> 00:18:35.406 align:middle >> Oh OK. 00:18:35.436 --> 00:18:39.356 align:middle >> I'm going to read a real example and see what you think about it. 00:18:39.356 --> 00:18:39.836 align:middle Number one. 00:18:39.876 --> 00:18:43.316 align:middle Two boys are arguing and pushing each other on the playground. 00:18:43.416 --> 00:18:47.896 align:middle Is this bullying or what would we say-- how can we name this behavior? 00:18:48.406 --> 00:18:56.246 align:middle >> I would say that that is teasing because on the playground, very often of course, 00:18:56.366 --> 00:18:59.626 align:middle I think we call it informally trash talking. 00:18:59.846 --> 00:19:03.266 align:middle There's an awful lot of trash talking that goes on there and I don't think 00:19:03.266 --> 00:19:06.806 align:middle that we we're perceiving it as bullying, it was seem to be part 00:19:07.126 --> 00:19:10.776 align:middle of the normal natural game, a competition that was going on. 00:19:10.776 --> 00:19:12.276 align:middle >> OK. That's interesting. 00:19:12.586 --> 00:19:14.946 align:middle But it says that they're pushing and arguing. 00:19:14.946 --> 00:19:17.686 align:middle So, there is some physical contact going in there. 00:19:18.106 --> 00:19:20.346 align:middle Judy, what would-- how would you name this behavior? 00:19:20.596 --> 00:19:23.636 align:middle >> I would want to know about the relationship between these two boys. 00:19:24.346 --> 00:19:28.956 align:middle If they were friends and this is happening on the basketball court 00:19:29.216 --> 00:19:32.516 align:middle and they're having a conflict over the game. 00:19:32.646 --> 00:19:34.566 align:middle I would say that it's not bullying. 00:19:34.876 --> 00:19:38.906 align:middle But if these two boys were not friends, there was an imbalance 00:19:38.906 --> 00:19:41.416 align:middle of power, there was an intent to do harm. 00:19:41.756 --> 00:19:46.816 align:middle One of them was more-- was seem to be more aggressive, the other one is very fearful. 00:19:47.126 --> 00:19:48.346 align:middle That could easily be bullying. 00:19:48.406 --> 00:19:49.246 align:middle >> Or maybe it was severe-- 00:19:49.246 --> 00:19:49.656 align:middle >> Yes. 00:19:49.696 --> 00:19:52.656 align:middle >> -- maybe the pushing was severe, because of the other person. 00:19:52.816 --> 00:19:53.916 align:middle Maybe it was pervasive. 00:19:53.916 --> 00:19:57.006 align:middle Maybe this has happened quite a lot every single day-- 00:19:57.006 --> 00:19:57.566 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:19:57.566 --> 00:19:58.846 align:middle >> -- for a long time. 00:19:58.846 --> 00:19:59.426 align:middle Interesting. 00:19:59.426 --> 00:20:00.976 align:middle So there's some context to take into that. 00:20:01.046 --> 00:20:01.536 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:20:01.536 --> 00:20:02.746 align:middle >> OK. Let's go on to the next one. 00:20:03.346 --> 00:20:06.646 align:middle Student sticks her tongue out at another student. 00:20:07.876 --> 00:20:12.036 align:middle Yeah. And what do we think about this one, Judy? 00:20:12.176 --> 00:20:13.356 align:middle >> Well, it depends. 00:20:13.446 --> 00:20:14.026 align:middle >> OK. 00:20:14.216 --> 00:20:15.086 align:middle >> Let's see. 00:20:15.086 --> 00:20:21.816 align:middle She could need some Chapstick, her lips are dry or maybe she-- exactly. 00:20:21.816 --> 00:20:23.196 align:middle Maybe she really is bullying. 00:20:23.196 --> 00:20:23.676 align:middle It depends. 00:20:23.676 --> 00:20:29.006 align:middle If she's doing this all the time, she's doing it to one person and she's doing it on purpose 00:20:29.006 --> 00:20:31.766 align:middle to annoy that person, it could be bullying. 00:20:31.766 --> 00:20:34.726 align:middle >> Now, let's say I think, I mean, I think it's important to take 00:20:34.726 --> 00:20:37.676 align:middle into context how she's sticking out her tongue. 00:20:37.956 --> 00:20:40.476 align:middle Because what if the student is sticking out a tongue in a way 00:20:40.476 --> 00:20:44.476 align:middle that is insinuating some type of sexual message. 00:20:44.976 --> 00:20:47.136 align:middle That's totally different, right? 00:20:47.176 --> 00:20:49.296 align:middle So that would then elevate that incident to even-- 00:20:49.296 --> 00:20:49.646 align:middle >> Once again-- 00:20:50.016 --> 00:20:50.956 align:middle >> -- sexual harassment, right? 00:20:50.956 --> 00:20:51.876 align:middle >> Sexual harassment. 00:20:51.876 --> 00:20:52.806 align:middle Absolutely. 00:20:52.806 --> 00:20:53.796 align:middle >> That would be sexual harassment. 00:20:53.956 --> 00:20:55.566 align:middle >> That could be sexual harassment. 00:20:55.566 --> 00:20:55.986 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:20:56.076 --> 00:20:56.676 align:middle OK. The last one. 00:20:56.676 --> 00:20:56.956 align:middle >> OK. 00:20:57.076 --> 00:20:58.636 align:middle >> Threatening to beat someone up after school. 00:20:58.636 --> 00:21:02.266 align:middle >> And going with the theme what if that kid is perceived as gay? 00:21:03.586 --> 00:21:04.696 align:middle >> Yeah. How would that change? 00:21:04.696 --> 00:21:07.096 align:middle That definitely escalates the situation, right? 00:21:07.096 --> 00:21:08.386 align:middle So now that we have that information, 00:21:08.386 --> 00:21:11.936 align:middle we got that in our investigation, how do we name this behavior? 00:21:13.186 --> 00:21:17.506 align:middle >> Bias motivated incident depending on-- it could end-- 00:21:17.976 --> 00:21:20.276 align:middle the school would call it bias motivated incident. 00:21:20.916 --> 00:21:24.746 align:middle If law enforcement got involved, they might call it a hate motivated incident? 00:21:24.746 --> 00:21:25.276 align:middle A hate crime-- 00:21:25.276 --> 00:21:28.236 align:middle >> Right. And the difference there is the penal code versus the Ed code, right? 00:21:28.236 --> 00:21:28.596 align:middle >> Ed code. 00:21:28.596 --> 00:21:32.056 align:middle Exactly we you use different language, penal code and Ed code. 00:21:32.056 --> 00:21:32.206 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:21:32.206 --> 00:21:33.036 align:middle >> Absolutely so. 00:21:33.086 --> 00:21:36.806 align:middle In Ed code that might be bias motivated, in penal code that might be a hate crime. 00:21:37.496 --> 00:21:37.866 align:middle So-- 00:21:38.076 --> 00:21:41.776 align:middle >> Hold. This is like so complicated. 00:21:41.916 --> 00:21:42.106 align:middle >> Yes. 00:21:42.206 --> 00:21:43.796 align:middle >> It definitely is. 00:21:43.796 --> 00:21:46.626 align:middle And this goes to show that this conversation 00:21:46.886 --> 00:21:50.446 align:middle about an incident is really important to take into the context, right? 00:21:50.446 --> 00:21:56.306 align:middle It-- deciding what is an incident of bullying has to really involve an investigation. 00:21:56.306 --> 00:21:59.286 align:middle A thorough investigation because there can be a lot going on. 00:21:59.406 --> 00:22:03.926 align:middle And that context is what's going to provide inside to what is-- 00:22:04.266 --> 00:22:07.596 align:middle what the behaviors are and what interventions you need to take. 00:22:07.836 --> 00:22:08.106 align:middle >> Excellent. 00:22:09.156 --> 00:22:10.506 align:middle Thank you for the guidance. 00:22:10.956 --> 00:22:12.476 align:middle So now that we have-- 00:22:12.476 --> 00:22:13.226 align:middle >> Well done with the quiz. 00:22:13.226 --> 00:22:14.736 align:middle >> Now that we have-- how did I do? 00:22:14.816 --> 00:22:15.636 align:middle >> Good job. 00:22:16.156 --> 00:22:19.466 align:middle >> Now that we've given some context, I think it would be helpful if we talk 00:22:19.466 --> 00:22:24.396 align:middle about why bullying prevention and intervention is important for schools. 00:22:24.396 --> 00:22:30.036 align:middle Sara, this is a good time to talk what is project SPIN's approach in addressing bullying? 00:22:30.716 --> 00:22:32.656 align:middle >> Well, thank you for asking. 00:22:32.766 --> 00:22:39.176 align:middle SPIN recognizes that it is really about involving all parties at the school. 00:22:39.376 --> 00:22:47.176 align:middle It isn't a-- just an approach that looks at one assembly, one time message, here's a poster 00:22:47.466 --> 00:22:50.156 align:middle and we see that that makes a huge impact. 00:22:50.496 --> 00:22:52.396 align:middle That usually doesn't happen, right? 00:22:52.396 --> 00:22:55.506 align:middle It is a comprehensive response. 00:22:55.506 --> 00:23:02.036 align:middle And that is what a school needs to take into account because it involves anti-bullying. 00:23:02.036 --> 00:23:04.966 align:middle It involves creating safe places for everybody. 00:23:05.326 --> 00:23:10.056 align:middle Maybe looking at how safe people feel making sure that there is access to people 00:23:10.056 --> 00:23:13.276 align:middle that they can go to, to talk to if they need help. 00:23:13.466 --> 00:23:15.756 align:middle It involves law enforcement. 00:23:15.756 --> 00:23:17.646 align:middle It can involve community members. 00:23:18.126 --> 00:23:20.186 align:middle It's a comprehensive approach 00:23:20.266 --> 00:23:24.296 align:middle to really addressing the environment on that school campus. 00:23:24.976 --> 00:23:30.246 align:middle And I want to just give you some examples of this and how this works. 00:23:31.316 --> 00:23:36.696 align:middle When all of these things come together, school-wide, classroom, the community 00:23:36.696 --> 00:23:40.096 align:middle and the parents, it makes an impact on the individual. 00:23:40.206 --> 00:23:45.866 align:middle All of those things working together can really lead that individual to feeling like they know 00:23:45.866 --> 00:23:48.766 align:middle who they need to talk to if they're having a problem. 00:23:49.196 --> 00:23:51.956 align:middle Even creating a buddy system for the individual, 00:23:51.996 --> 00:23:55.516 align:middle creating a plan for that individual to start feeling safer. 00:23:56.076 --> 00:24:00.426 align:middle So school-wide, let's go over some interventions that can-- that a school can do. 00:24:01.306 --> 00:24:07.086 align:middle First of all, I think it's important to address the promoting help-seeking behavior. 00:24:07.166 --> 00:24:09.586 align:middle And what are some healthy coping mechanisms. 00:24:10.146 --> 00:24:14.796 align:middle And that has to be school-wide because you'll never know who is needing 00:24:15.176 --> 00:24:17.326 align:middle to develop those skills a little bit more. 00:24:17.326 --> 00:24:19.776 align:middle And when you make it school-wide, you involve everybody 00:24:20.106 --> 00:24:23.266 align:middle and it sends a message that it's OK to ask for help. 00:24:24.546 --> 00:24:28.586 align:middle >> That is unbelievably critical in my world of suicide prevention. 00:24:28.896 --> 00:24:33.136 align:middle If you can teach a kid how to ask for help, they might not have to hurt themselves. 00:24:33.136 --> 00:24:33.276 align:middle >> Right. 00:24:33.276 --> 00:24:33.343 align:middle >> In-- 00:24:33.343 --> 00:24:38.626 align:middle >> Yup. And the other piece of that is creating a culture of kindness and respect. 00:24:38.626 --> 00:24:39.156 align:middle >> I love that. 00:24:39.356 --> 00:24:43.406 align:middle >> And it's so much of that kindness especially if I'm coming to you for help. 00:24:43.486 --> 00:24:45.636 align:middle If there's a culture of kindness, I know that you're going 00:24:45.636 --> 00:24:47.976 align:middle to treat me with kindness and respect back. 00:24:48.286 --> 00:24:52.856 align:middle And that's an important part of sending a message that it's OK to ask for help. 00:24:52.856 --> 00:24:56.886 align:middle And the other part is celebrating diversity, again, campus-wide. 00:24:56.886 --> 00:25:02.736 align:middle These are school-wide interventions because that elevates everybody to feeling part 00:25:02.736 --> 00:25:05.026 align:middle of that community and that sense of connectedness. 00:25:05.716 --> 00:25:11.086 align:middle But we-- I do wanted to highlight how important parents are and community members 00:25:11.086 --> 00:25:15.906 align:middle and celebrating the differences of families in that context of schools. 00:25:16.406 --> 00:25:20.146 align:middle You know, making sure that there are school events where parents are engaged. 00:25:20.236 --> 00:25:22.866 align:middle They can be a part of the intervention they're interacting both 00:25:22.866 --> 00:25:24.536 align:middle with their students and other students. 00:25:24.986 --> 00:25:29.456 align:middle It increases the visibility of those families in that community, 00:25:29.456 --> 00:25:32.406 align:middle it makes everybody feel a part of it and that's important. 00:25:32.406 --> 00:25:39.586 align:middle Also, you know, trainings, educating parents on how to talk with their child about standing 00:25:39.626 --> 00:25:44.036 align:middle up to a bully if they're feeling bullied or if they are a bully, 00:25:44.036 --> 00:25:46.536 align:middle how to deal with their anger or there emotions? 00:25:46.646 --> 00:25:49.136 align:middle Those trainings can be really helpful as well. 00:25:49.176 --> 00:25:54.386 align:middle And then in the classroom, setting clear policies even within the classroom 00:25:54.476 --> 00:26:00.536 align:middle that a teacher can use as teachable moments in instructing students on again how 00:26:00.536 --> 00:26:04.416 align:middle to treat each other with respect and kindness. 00:26:04.416 --> 00:26:10.526 align:middle And increasing awareness and understanding for each other our differences, how do we interact? 00:26:10.526 --> 00:26:12.966 align:middle How do we resolve a conflict? 00:26:12.966 --> 00:26:16.456 align:middle And all of these things are lifelong skills, right? 00:26:16.456 --> 00:26:19.896 align:middle Even as adults, we deal with complicated situations. 00:26:19.896 --> 00:26:25.016 align:middle Sometimes we don't agree, maybe we're at work and our co-workers are non-negotiables. 00:26:25.306 --> 00:26:27.306 align:middle All the time we don't get to choose who we work with. 00:26:27.746 --> 00:26:30.356 align:middle But we still learn how to deal with each other. 00:26:30.356 --> 00:26:33.606 align:middle And that can start even in schools, right? 00:26:33.606 --> 00:26:35.616 align:middle So, these interventions are long term. 00:26:36.756 --> 00:26:37.306 align:middle >> Incredible. 00:26:37.466 --> 00:26:39.056 align:middle Absolutely incredible. 00:26:40.356 --> 00:26:45.866 align:middle Judy, why don't you tell us a little bit about best practices of bullying? 00:26:45.986 --> 00:26:52.286 align:middle >> Well, there are some best practices for interventions and Sara did a wonderful job 00:26:52.286 --> 00:26:54.666 align:middle of talking about kind of the philosophy. 00:26:54.856 --> 00:26:58.206 align:middle OK. About, you know, really having that positive philosophy. 00:26:58.516 --> 00:27:02.316 align:middle And in terms of interventions and responses to bullying, first of all, 00:27:02.586 --> 00:27:04.956 align:middle is we have to take all reports very seriously. 00:27:05.346 --> 00:27:07.346 align:middle And so, everything needs to be investigated. 00:27:07.346 --> 00:27:10.826 align:middle Investigate, investigate and investigate neutrally. 00:27:10.986 --> 00:27:11.276 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:27:11.386 --> 00:27:15.216 align:middle >> Because as an investigator, every time I talk to a new student, 00:27:15.646 --> 00:27:18.446 align:middle I find out that the story changes. 00:27:18.566 --> 00:27:20.026 align:middle You know, I get more information. 00:27:20.176 --> 00:27:22.826 align:middle >> Right. Is it important to investigate separately 00:27:22.826 --> 00:27:25.796 align:middle or should you bring them all together and say tell me what's going on? 00:27:26.126 --> 00:27:27.266 align:middle >> Never bring them together. 00:27:27.756 --> 00:27:32.566 align:middle Never bring them-- bring your students together because obviously if there was somebody in there 00:27:32.566 --> 00:27:36.146 align:middle who might feel intimidated, they're going to change their story based 00:27:36.146 --> 00:27:38.096 align:middle on the stressors that are in the room. 00:27:38.196 --> 00:27:38.486 align:middle >> Right. 00:27:38.656 --> 00:27:42.576 align:middle >> So, you want to optimize the opportunity for the student 00:27:42.656 --> 00:27:45.916 align:middle to be able to speak freely and safely. 00:27:46.606 --> 00:27:49.996 align:middle And so, there's the six W's make it seven. 00:27:50.236 --> 00:27:51.636 align:middle There's the who, what, when, where-- 00:27:51.976 --> 00:27:52.266 align:middle >> Yes. 00:27:52.266 --> 00:27:53.006 align:middle >> Let's hear those. 00:27:53.006 --> 00:27:53.216 align:middle >> OK. 00:27:53.216 --> 00:27:55.776 align:middle >> [Simultaneously] Who, what, when, and where-- 00:27:55.906 --> 00:27:56.406 align:middle >>Why? 00:27:56.506 --> 00:27:57.556 align:middle >> Why? 00:27:58.066 --> 00:27:59.356 align:middle >> Why? Witnesses-- 00:28:00.386 --> 00:28:00.796 align:middle >> Witnesses-- 00:28:00.796 --> 00:28:02.376 align:middle >> Witnesses are very important. 00:28:02.376 --> 00:28:03.916 align:middle Oh and then there's the other one, the other W, 00:28:03.916 --> 00:28:08.926 align:middle what next because if we get all these information 00:28:08.926 --> 00:28:10.826 align:middle but then what do we do about it, right? 00:28:11.056 --> 00:28:12.366 align:middle So of course we're going to document. 00:28:12.366 --> 00:28:17.416 align:middle We're going to then-- looking at this, the incident in its totality 00:28:17.416 --> 00:28:19.676 align:middle with all the multiple influences on it. 00:28:19.926 --> 00:28:25.796 align:middle How do you design a response that addresses what the triggers are? 00:28:25.796 --> 00:28:28.106 align:middle So that the perpetrator-- what is it that they need? 00:28:28.136 --> 00:28:30.946 align:middle What role do they play in that conflict? 00:28:30.946 --> 00:28:33.466 align:middle You know, maybe they are in a stressful situation 00:28:33.466 --> 00:28:35.286 align:middle and they don't know how to handle it appropriately. 00:28:35.286 --> 00:28:37.706 align:middle >> Right. Maybe they are being victimized in another-- 00:28:37.846 --> 00:28:38.486 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:28:38.486 --> 00:28:39.456 align:middle >> -- area in their life. 00:28:39.456 --> 00:28:42.566 align:middle And this is the way to take out-- maybe they're testing your leadership to see 00:28:42.566 --> 00:28:46.516 align:middle if you would defend them if they were on the other side of the incident. 00:28:46.626 --> 00:28:47.316 align:middle >> Exactly. 00:28:47.406 --> 00:28:49.746 align:middle >> Yeah, that's important part of your investigation. 00:28:49.746 --> 00:28:52.226 align:middle >> And certainly our targets need intervention. 00:28:52.226 --> 00:28:54.056 align:middle And what's going to happen to help keep them safe? 00:28:54.666 --> 00:28:56.766 align:middle Monitoring is very important. 00:28:57.376 --> 00:29:00.786 align:middle The biggest complaint that we have from school-- 00:29:00.786 --> 00:29:04.336 align:middle from the community, parents will say, the school hasn't done anything. 00:29:04.336 --> 00:29:08.096 align:middle When in fact, the school could be doing a lot but-- 00:29:08.236 --> 00:29:12.416 align:middle so this is why it's so important that the school monitors. 00:29:12.756 --> 00:29:16.836 align:middle They go back, you know, every week, every two weeks, put a note on your calendar. 00:29:17.176 --> 00:29:20.066 align:middle Check in two weeks later, so how things going? 00:29:20.416 --> 00:29:23.446 align:middle And communicate that to the family, that's what's so important. 00:29:23.676 --> 00:29:26.956 align:middle I checked on with your son, it's been about two weeks he says everything's going fine. 00:29:26.956 --> 00:29:28.156 align:middle >> Yeah. The follow up. 00:29:28.156 --> 00:29:29.976 align:middle >> The follow up, absolutely. 00:29:29.976 --> 00:29:34.446 align:middle >> Yeah. And how about really sharing that with other staff members? 00:29:34.596 --> 00:29:35.296 align:middle >> Yes, we have-- 00:29:35.296 --> 00:29:36.766 align:middle >> In creating the support the team. 00:29:36.826 --> 00:29:38.096 align:middle >> So, we have a support team. 00:29:38.556 --> 00:29:42.806 align:middle We have-- we've developed a little tool we call the individual student safety plan. 00:29:42.806 --> 00:29:43.876 align:middle >> Oh that's a great tool. 00:29:43.876 --> 00:29:47.746 align:middle >> In which all the stakeholders get together and we actually talk about this 00:29:47.746 --> 00:29:50.526 align:middle and we say, OK during lunch time. 00:29:50.526 --> 00:29:52.196 align:middle This seems to be happening during lunch time. 00:29:52.196 --> 00:29:55.696 align:middle Well, let's be sure that you're in a place where there's a lot of good supervision. 00:29:56.096 --> 00:29:59.916 align:middle And if something does happen, if you do feel stressed, you need some support 00:30:00.166 --> 00:30:03.976 align:middle who are your point people and actually assign certain teachers. 00:30:04.176 --> 00:30:06.976 align:middle And I would say let the student pick. 00:30:06.976 --> 00:30:11.116 align:middle You know, I just love you know, Mr. Lewis my math teacher. 00:30:11.116 --> 00:30:13.686 align:middle He is the one that I have-- feel like I have a really good bond with. 00:30:13.746 --> 00:30:17.476 align:middle So, ask Mr. Lewis would you mind being the point person for this student. 00:30:17.476 --> 00:30:20.376 align:middle >> That's a really important message to even send to students and asking them 00:30:20.376 --> 00:30:21.806 align:middle who do you feel comfortable with. 00:30:21.806 --> 00:30:21.916 align:middle >> Yes. 00:30:22.216 --> 00:30:25.436 align:middle >> Because that gives insight on what's going on in that environment. 00:30:25.436 --> 00:30:30.476 align:middle If the student says there's no staff person I feel comfortable with that's something else-- 00:30:30.476 --> 00:30:31.576 align:middle >> That's a red flag 00:30:31.576 --> 00:30:32.436 align:middle >> -- to deal with, right? 00:30:32.476 --> 00:30:33.856 align:middle So, that's a great tip. 00:30:34.026 --> 00:30:34.586 align:middle That's great 00:30:35.136 --> 00:30:38.966 align:middle >> I was kind of eager to-- because it seems like we've come a long way 00:30:38.966 --> 00:30:41.576 align:middle since we put these two kids in the room and let them work it out. 00:30:41.666 --> 00:30:41.786 align:middle I mean 00:30:41.866 --> 00:30:43.446 align:middle >> Yeah. We don't do that 00:30:43.596 --> 00:30:47.756 align:middle >> So, tell us a little bit with about zero tolerance. 00:30:48.266 --> 00:30:51.756 align:middle I know that's a familiar phrase that we have heard what are your thoughts 00:30:51.756 --> 00:30:53.946 align:middle on zero tolerance just a couple of thoughts. 00:30:54.686 --> 00:31:02.146 align:middle >> Just a couple, I think that it's a catch off phrase that schools-- 00:31:02.146 --> 00:31:06.976 align:middle what they mean to advertise is that they take all instances very seriously. 00:31:07.516 --> 00:31:12.696 align:middle But we would never-- we ask that we never, ever actually use that word zero tolerance 00:31:12.696 --> 00:31:19.466 align:middle because it implies that there is a fixed response to a situation. 00:31:19.886 --> 00:31:23.226 align:middle That anybody who engages in bullying is going to be suspended. 00:31:23.686 --> 00:31:27.236 align:middle Well, we can't do that because we need to look at what is going on. 00:31:27.236 --> 00:31:31.886 align:middle We need to look at all of those circumstances and the parties involved very, very, carefully. 00:31:32.296 --> 00:31:37.246 align:middle And we are able to do an educational intervention that's going help resolve the 00:31:37.246 --> 00:31:41.026 align:middle situation and zero tolerance doesn't do that. 00:31:41.026 --> 00:31:45.846 align:middle >> And if one of the parties isn't there then how effective can your intervention be 00:31:46.206 --> 00:31:47.586 align:middle if they're no longer there. 00:31:47.776 --> 00:31:52.196 align:middle So that's really important to talk about zero tolerance mean-- 00:31:52.196 --> 00:31:54.466 align:middle can mean that you're just taking it seriously 00:31:54.806 --> 00:31:59.416 align:middle but that phrase can misrepresent actually what is school [inaudible]. 00:31:59.416 --> 00:32:02.796 align:middle >> Some students truly might just need our gentle talking too. 00:32:02.796 --> 00:32:02.966 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:32:03.076 --> 00:32:06.096 align:middle >> You know like, honey really that probably wasn't really nice. 00:32:06.216 --> 00:32:07.186 align:middle You shouldn't have done that. 00:32:07.186 --> 00:32:09.486 align:middle And for that that might be all that students needs. 00:32:10.426 --> 00:32:12.276 align:middle Just a little supportive conversation 00:32:12.816 --> 00:32:16.196 align:middle >> And then there might be other situations where you have to take more serious action. 00:32:16.196 --> 00:32:16.436 align:middle >> Exactly. 00:32:16.436 --> 00:32:18.156 align:middle >> And that's where you bring in your support team. 00:32:18.426 --> 00:32:18.686 align:middle >> Truly. 00:32:20.006 --> 00:32:25.266 align:middle >> OK. This is all fantastic but, you know, I'd like to go right now 00:32:25.266 --> 00:32:29.486 align:middle to where all the roads lead back it seems to me and that is prevention. 00:32:29.796 --> 00:32:33.946 align:middle So, let us direct our conversation to the essentials. 00:32:33.946 --> 00:32:36.426 align:middle What are the essentials of bullying prevention? 00:32:37.306 --> 00:32:41.956 align:middle >> Well, what we see most impactful at schools and campuses is building 00:32:41.956 --> 00:32:45.116 align:middle that culture of kindness and respect. 00:32:45.116 --> 00:32:53.296 align:middle With schools having so little resources and people on staff feeling even more stressed 00:32:53.296 --> 00:32:55.686 align:middle out with the amount of work that they have to do. 00:32:56.506 --> 00:33:02.736 align:middle It is really important to do a shift that's systemic through out the school campus. 00:33:02.966 --> 00:33:07.396 align:middle That we are here to support each other and that we all take this seriously. 00:33:07.396 --> 00:33:10.546 align:middle And that our school campus is not going to be a place 00:33:10.546 --> 00:33:13.696 align:middle where we tolerate bullying, harassment, hazing. 00:33:14.096 --> 00:33:18.026 align:middle And in part you have to teach people what then you do want them to do, right? 00:33:18.026 --> 00:33:22.146 align:middle It's so easy to point a finger and say we don't want you to do and here's the 10 things. 00:33:22.506 --> 00:33:25.386 align:middle But we don't take the time to teach what we do want people to do. 00:33:25.386 --> 00:33:27.126 align:middle We want you to be kind to each other. 00:33:27.126 --> 00:33:30.436 align:middle We want you to welcome the new student to school. 00:33:30.436 --> 00:33:35.816 align:middle We want you to share in your curriculum and different activities. 00:33:35.816 --> 00:33:37.746 align:middle We want you to be kind to each other and-- 00:33:37.746 --> 00:33:42.426 align:middle >> It's because we all know how warm, you know the home school kids are to the kids 00:33:42.426 --> 00:33:44.036 align:middle who are just reporting to school. 00:33:44.036 --> 00:33:44.426 align:middle >> Right. 00:33:44.426 --> 00:33:46.256 align:middle >> That is a very tough time for kids. 00:33:46.256 --> 00:33:46.606 align:middle >> Right. Right. 00:33:46.666 --> 00:33:54.306 align:middle And so that's where project SPIN and L.A. Unified has done such a great deal of work 00:33:54.306 --> 00:34:00.446 align:middle in really investing in the idea that school need to create a culture. 00:34:00.566 --> 00:34:06.116 align:middle And shift that culture so that it's one that fosters respect and kindness both 00:34:06.116 --> 00:34:08.886 align:middle on the staff level and with students. 00:34:08.886 --> 00:34:10.376 align:middle And a big part of that as adults, 00:34:10.376 --> 00:34:15.726 align:middle we have to model that same treatment if we want students to do that. 00:34:15.726 --> 00:34:21.596 align:middle >> All the research shows in the world of crisis intervention that how the adults respond. 00:34:21.716 --> 00:34:24.496 align:middle And we have to look at it through a developmental lens as well. 00:34:24.836 --> 00:34:31.206 align:middle Because certainly in the elementary school kids, they are more at the effect 00:34:31.206 --> 00:34:36.646 align:middle of how the adults are responding around them in interpreting the context of a crisis at school. 00:34:37.076 --> 00:34:41.256 align:middle >> It's very true and students are in itself their support network. 00:34:41.396 --> 00:34:45.056 align:middle So we want them to know how to do so with respect and kindness. 00:34:45.946 --> 00:34:46.676 align:middle Absolutely. 00:34:47.196 --> 00:34:50.206 align:middle >> OK. Well, there are many bully prevention programs. 00:34:50.486 --> 00:34:53.926 align:middle What are the essentials once again of best practices? 00:34:55.056 --> 00:34:58.346 align:middle >> I would like to say I want our schools to know that they don't need to go 00:34:58.346 --> 00:35:00.356 align:middle out necessarily and buy a program. 00:35:01.006 --> 00:35:08.216 align:middle Because really the essentials of a good program is the passion, the commitment and the agreement 00:35:08.606 --> 00:35:15.926 align:middle of the staff on campus that they are going to have a community that is built on its strengths 00:35:16.576 --> 00:35:19.266 align:middle that get students positively engaged. 00:35:19.856 --> 00:35:23.406 align:middle So that is what the core is of a bully prevention program. 00:35:23.836 --> 00:35:28.346 align:middle It is actually what we do is we teach the antithesis of bullying which is-- 00:35:28.606 --> 00:35:31.126 align:middle so we're starting to sound like a mantra here. 00:35:31.126 --> 00:35:33.776 align:middle Is, you know, it's about being kind, it's about being, you know, 00:35:33.776 --> 00:35:35.106 align:middle treating each other respectfully. 00:35:35.326 --> 00:35:39.686 align:middle And engaging the community on how can we build those behaviors, 00:35:39.686 --> 00:35:42.926 align:middle enhance them that are the opposite of bullying. 00:35:43.696 --> 00:35:48.416 align:middle Starting a program where we're just going to find the evil bullies. 00:35:49.216 --> 00:35:53.146 align:middle You know, it's kind of think, well that looks new McCarthy era about bullying 00:35:53.536 --> 00:35:56.716 align:middle that there's this evil people out there that we have to hunt them down. 00:35:57.166 --> 00:36:01.366 align:middle I mean just even saying that it creates tension it creates anxiety. 00:36:01.586 --> 00:36:01.756 align:middle >> Yeah 00:36:02.266 --> 00:36:05.536 align:middle >> Students after bully assembly when people are just saying don't bully. 00:36:05.536 --> 00:36:07.636 align:middle They go out and get into a fight, you're a bully, no I'm your bully. 00:36:07.936 --> 00:36:09.726 align:middle You know, and so that's not what we want 00:36:09.726 --> 00:36:13.826 align:middle to achieve we really want this positive healthy environment. 00:36:14.056 --> 00:36:18.076 align:middle >> Right and you want the message in your bullying prevention program to be balanced. 00:36:18.126 --> 00:36:21.256 align:middle So that it doesn't incite more violence. 00:36:21.256 --> 00:36:25.806 align:middle It doesn't say stand up for yourself and know how to kick the other person back, right? 00:36:25.806 --> 00:36:31.376 align:middle It's about learning skills of negotiation and learning skills of conflict resolution. 00:36:31.746 --> 00:36:37.756 align:middle And again those are lifelong skills that really can both prevent things in the future 00:36:37.756 --> 00:36:39.106 align:middle and are part of the intervention. 00:36:39.936 --> 00:36:42.616 align:middle >> Sara can I comment in what you just said because you both said I think it's 00:36:42.616 --> 00:36:45.586 align:middle so profound is, you know, lifelong skills. 00:36:46.086 --> 00:36:50.966 align:middle Because these are children, you know, we need to look at them developmentally. 00:36:51.496 --> 00:36:56.606 align:middle I think sometimes with bullying we'd look at what the children are doing and we want them 00:36:56.606 --> 00:37:01.456 align:middle to be able to have the wisdom to consider their behavior, 00:37:01.736 --> 00:37:07.036 align:middle anticipate how that might affect the other person short term and long term. 00:37:07.296 --> 00:37:10.826 align:middle And then make a very thoughtful and intentional decision about how they're going 00:37:10.826 --> 00:37:13.296 align:middle to behave based on that careful analysis. 00:37:14.276 --> 00:37:15.646 align:middle Most adults don't even do that. 00:37:15.646 --> 00:37:15.886 align:middle >> Right. 00:37:16.106 --> 00:37:20.526 align:middle >> You know, adults act impassably and we say to children, you know, why did you that? 00:37:20.526 --> 00:37:24.376 align:middle Didn't you realize, you know, didn't you even think how dangerous that was? 00:37:24.736 --> 00:37:28.726 align:middle Well they don't always realize how dangerous it is. 00:37:28.726 --> 00:37:28.886 align:middle >> Right. 00:37:28.886 --> 00:37:31.326 align:middle >> And we can expect them to do even more-- 00:37:31.396 --> 00:37:34.886 align:middle have greater skills of insight and wisdom than we do as adults. 00:37:35.396 --> 00:37:40.366 align:middle So that's what we need to continue working age appropriate, developmentally appropriate 00:37:40.946 --> 00:37:43.876 align:middle and those little seeds that would develop into healthy adults. 00:37:44.346 --> 00:37:48.566 align:middle >> And that's true also with bystanders because sometimes we expect bystanders to jump in 00:37:48.566 --> 00:37:50.896 align:middle and stand up for their classmates. 00:37:51.326 --> 00:37:54.436 align:middle But even as adults we don't always respond the same way 00:37:54.436 --> 00:37:56.856 align:middle that we are expecting our students to do so. 00:37:56.856 --> 00:38:00.646 align:middle >> So we're back to language again you used bystanders what are some other terms? 00:38:00.646 --> 00:38:06.286 align:middle >> This is a really good segue actually I wanted to talk about how do we respond to incidences 00:38:06.366 --> 00:38:07.416 align:middle because they happen all the time. 00:38:07.416 --> 00:38:11.426 align:middle We want to make sure that those are joining us today have some tips 00:38:11.426 --> 00:38:13.936 align:middle as to what are the things that we can actually do. 00:38:14.416 --> 00:38:19.966 align:middle When we talk about the perpetrator right, we got to be careful with labels of bully 00:38:19.966 --> 00:38:23.566 align:middle and using the term perpetrator is the person who might incite 00:38:23.566 --> 00:38:25.536 align:middle that behavior, right, who starts it. 00:38:26.116 --> 00:38:31.266 align:middle One of our techniques to teach empathy and impulse control. 00:38:31.326 --> 00:38:35.356 align:middle A lot of that can just be social development that we're teaching people skills 00:38:35.356 --> 00:38:38.846 align:middle of learning how close to saying to somebody, right? 00:38:38.846 --> 00:38:44.436 align:middle How not to annoy them and-- or how to control their emotions if they're getting very angry. 00:38:44.506 --> 00:38:48.946 align:middle How to deal-- how to talk through what's going on using the "I" statements all 00:38:48.946 --> 00:38:54.446 align:middle of those small skills can really be a part of that intervention 00:38:54.446 --> 00:38:56.186 align:middle in the incident with the perpetrator. 00:38:56.896 --> 00:39:00.156 align:middle And the other thing to think about is do-- 00:39:00.156 --> 00:39:03.066 align:middle are those leadership skills that we can utilize in other places. 00:39:03.246 --> 00:39:08.106 align:middle Maybe they're just an excellent leader that's why they're the head of the group of students. 00:39:08.256 --> 00:39:10.526 align:middle And we need to give them something positive to do. 00:39:10.526 --> 00:39:11.156 align:middle >> Positive to do yes. 00:39:11.156 --> 00:39:14.866 align:middle >> Right to keep them engaged and to get them part of the solution. 00:39:15.246 --> 00:39:21.866 align:middle Making them the champions of respect and kindness on that campus that is the soul key 00:39:21.936 --> 00:39:24.186 align:middle to getting all the students engaged, right? 00:39:24.186 --> 00:39:30.456 align:middle We have the student leader engaged and promoting this then everybody else will want to do that. 00:39:30.456 --> 00:39:35.496 align:middle >> The students who are identified as bullies are often considered quite popular on campus. 00:39:35.556 --> 00:39:35.816 align:middle >> Right. 00:39:36.506 --> 00:39:41.276 align:middle >> You know, this is something-- getting the students involved is always something we've 00:39:41.276 --> 00:39:43.196 align:middle always advocated in the crisis world. 00:39:43.196 --> 00:39:46.366 align:middle If you want to learn to make your campus safer you know, 00:39:46.366 --> 00:39:49.706 align:middle have student counsel on your crisis teams. 00:39:49.996 --> 00:39:54.386 align:middle And they are wonderful in the aftermath of a crisis and how they bring, 00:39:54.386 --> 00:39:57.046 align:middle you know, the campus back together. 00:39:57.176 --> 00:39:57.446 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:39:59.006 --> 00:40:02.916 align:middle >> Actually I would like to hear from some people in the field at this particular time. 00:40:03.046 --> 00:40:03.586 align:middle >> OK. 00:40:03.586 --> 00:40:04.466 align:middle >> OK great. 00:40:04.516 --> 00:40:10.636 align:middle >> Because we do have our incredible staff at CDOL went out into the field. 00:40:10.976 --> 00:40:16.476 align:middle And went-- they went to the front lines in order to interview some 00:40:16.476 --> 00:40:21.486 align:middle of our most talented administrators and school staff. 00:40:21.756 --> 00:40:26.436 align:middle They are truly the champions of bullying prevention. 00:40:26.636 --> 00:40:32.776 align:middle We'll hear from Mr. Jim Kodani who is Principal at Virgil Middle School an LAUSD School. 00:40:33.096 --> 00:40:38.596 align:middle We'll hear from Ms. Marla Rickard peer counselor adviser at Suzanne Middle School 00:40:38.896 --> 00:40:41.606 align:middle in Walnut Valley Unified School District. 00:40:41.856 --> 00:40:45.956 align:middle And Ms. Tracy Pumilia, Principal at El Marino Language School 00:40:45.956 --> 00:40:48.526 align:middle which is part of Culver city USD. 00:40:48.526 --> 00:40:54.856 align:middle What do our guests have to say about what it takes to address bullying on their campuses? 00:40:56.686 --> 00:41:01.756 align:middle >> Our anti-bullying program here at Virgil is really not a program. 00:41:01.756 --> 00:41:05.526 align:middle It really is more of we're trying to have a culture shift here. 00:41:05.816 --> 00:41:10.046 align:middle When you change culture you're really trying to shift the way that people think or do things. 00:41:10.336 --> 00:41:14.246 align:middle So in order for a student to be educated, there can't be any fear. 00:41:14.826 --> 00:41:19.346 align:middle If you're scared of, if I'm going to walk out of this classroom I'm going to get bullied 00:41:19.726 --> 00:41:22.386 align:middle or the person in the classroom is bullying me. 00:41:22.906 --> 00:41:27.816 align:middle There is absolutely zero chance that student is learning because they're thinking 00:41:27.816 --> 00:41:30.726 align:middle about something else, about their own safety. 00:41:31.276 --> 00:41:35.756 align:middle In a good school that happens less but in the grade school that doesn't happen at all. 00:41:36.296 --> 00:41:40.446 align:middle And so we're trying to be a great school, you know that we're anti-bullying 00:41:40.446 --> 00:41:43.566 align:middle where bullying is-- we're going to eradicate this thing. 00:41:43.896 --> 00:41:49.006 align:middle >> Anti bullying programs seem to be something that all schools are trying to focus on. 00:41:49.096 --> 00:41:54.736 align:middle And so we got away from the program when I think of a program, programs come and programs go. 00:41:54.986 --> 00:41:59.216 align:middle But I want lifestyle, so it really is a lifestyle of kindness 00:41:59.216 --> 00:42:01.556 align:middle and character that we're promoting here. 00:42:01.916 --> 00:42:07.666 align:middle And in that we hope that it prevents the bullying or at least cuts down on it. 00:42:07.936 --> 00:42:10.206 align:middle >> What an incredible group of people Judy 00:42:10.206 --> 00:42:13.046 align:middle and Sara do you have any thoughts about what they just said? 00:42:13.046 --> 00:42:18.396 align:middle >> I just love what Mr. Kodani talks about in regards to creating a great school, right? 00:42:18.396 --> 00:42:23.476 align:middle Just that pursuit for that environment that promotes such kindness 00:42:23.476 --> 00:42:26.316 align:middle and respect makes a great school. 00:42:26.316 --> 00:42:29.476 align:middle And I really appreciated when he said that, that was really great. 00:42:29.786 --> 00:42:32.976 align:middle >> And he recognizes that is developmental. 00:42:33.196 --> 00:42:33.346 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:42:33.346 --> 00:42:36.116 align:middle >> That, you know, you start with good, you know, 00:42:36.116 --> 00:42:39.636 align:middle first you work through good then you work too great and that we can keep growing. 00:42:39.636 --> 00:42:42.846 align:middle It's not-- our opportunity for growth doesn't really end. 00:42:43.156 --> 00:42:44.166 align:middle >> That's true. 00:42:44.476 --> 00:42:45.126 align:middle >> Excellent. 00:42:45.366 --> 00:42:51.886 align:middle Our guests also shared with us what is at the core elements of their different approaches. 00:42:52.096 --> 00:42:53.246 align:middle Let's hear some more from them. 00:42:53.796 --> 00:42:58.986 align:middle >> As soon as say anti-bullying it becomes that program that thing. 00:42:59.216 --> 00:43:04.116 align:middle You know, I think more than anything, the event for the stakeholder could be, 00:43:04.376 --> 00:43:10.146 align:middle hey do something that builds team-- teaming amongst students. 00:43:10.226 --> 00:43:13.756 align:middle You know something that would promote some kind of interaction, kindness, 00:43:14.046 --> 00:43:16.446 align:middle respect where the kids could actually start using 00:43:16.906 --> 00:43:21.616 align:middle or experiencing ways to interact that they can model. 00:43:22.006 --> 00:43:28.716 align:middle >> So through a program known as the Caring School Community program we engaged 00:43:28.716 --> 00:43:31.556 align:middle in a practice known as class meetings. 00:43:31.786 --> 00:43:37.586 align:middle From there we realized that we also needed to have a parallel 00:43:37.626 --> 00:43:41.966 align:middle or a similar effort in improving our school culture. 00:43:41.966 --> 00:43:48.436 align:middle So that students-- all students were feeling valued and had an understanding 00:43:48.436 --> 00:43:55.396 align:middle that they knew what to do if a problem came up. 00:43:55.656 --> 00:43:59.356 align:middle And they were able to understand the difference 00:43:59.416 --> 00:44:03.946 align:middle between a peer conflict and a bullying situation. 00:44:04.346 --> 00:44:10.926 align:middle The Caring School Community program also really emphasizes this idea of a buddy as a system 00:44:10.926 --> 00:44:15.016 align:middle or a cross age kind of a mentoring system. 00:44:15.456 --> 00:44:20.236 align:middle And so our kindergarten students for example are paired with their third grade students 00:44:20.236 --> 00:44:23.986 align:middle and our fifth grade students are paired with our second grade students. 00:44:24.066 --> 00:44:26.486 align:middle And on a monthly basis they get together 00:44:26.486 --> 00:44:29.616 align:middle and have this wonderful team building kinds of activities. 00:44:30.216 --> 00:44:34.356 align:middle And if anything I think that that's really provided our older students this really 00:44:34.356 --> 00:44:38.196 align:middle wonderful opportunity to see themselves as a mentor to younger students. 00:44:38.196 --> 00:44:44.066 align:middle And I think that's really helped build a bit of empathy in our students. 00:44:44.156 --> 00:44:46.276 align:middle >> Wow you can really tell these individuals-- 00:44:46.276 --> 00:44:46.456 align:middle >> Amazing. 00:44:46.456 --> 00:44:48.616 align:middle >> -- are making a difference at their schools go. 00:44:49.426 --> 00:44:52.546 align:middle >> You know, one thing that really stood out from Virgil Middle School 00:44:52.546 --> 00:44:54.976 align:middle like Mr. Kodani talks about is that team building. 00:44:55.436 --> 00:44:59.396 align:middle And I was so impressed by what they did because it's simple things 00:44:59.396 --> 00:45:01.506 align:middle of just building that sense of teamwork. 00:45:01.506 --> 00:45:07.636 align:middle Getting the staff to play and engage in games with the students in a way that builds team, 00:45:07.636 --> 00:45:09.816 align:middle right, where there's team building activities. 00:45:10.346 --> 00:45:16.976 align:middle And it seems like such a simple idea but it's part of that building a culture 00:45:16.976 --> 00:45:19.106 align:middle on that campus where people stand together. 00:45:19.276 --> 00:45:23.176 align:middle And those are long lasting memories that was really remarkable. 00:45:23.656 --> 00:45:25.316 align:middle >> And that cross age mentoring. 00:45:25.526 --> 00:45:26.226 align:middle >> Oh yes. 00:45:26.226 --> 00:45:26.766 align:middle >> Brilliant. 00:45:26.766 --> 00:45:29.366 align:middle >> It's so great because it's on the elementary school level, right, 00:45:29.366 --> 00:45:31.056 align:middle and we see the middle school level. 00:45:31.416 --> 00:45:33.676 align:middle And when you bring students especially 00:45:33.676 --> 00:45:37.416 align:middle in elementary school you get the big kids caring for the little kids. 00:45:37.416 --> 00:45:40.106 align:middle Just in that you've created a safety system for-- 00:45:40.106 --> 00:45:40.576 align:middle >> Exactly. 00:45:40.576 --> 00:45:43.666 align:middle >> -- the young ones and you've created that leadership in the older once. 00:45:43.666 --> 00:45:44.136 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:45:45.576 --> 00:45:49.806 align:middle >> To close our discussion we asked our guests to share some advice 00:45:49.866 --> 00:45:51.846 align:middle with those that are joining us today. 00:45:52.196 --> 00:45:53.666 align:middle And here is what they said. 00:45:54.236 --> 00:46:00.086 align:middle >> You definitely need a lot of support from the community around you. 00:46:00.086 --> 00:46:01.896 align:middle We have our support from our community club, 00:46:01.896 --> 00:46:05.776 align:middle our parents on campus definitely from the administrators. 00:46:05.886 --> 00:46:11.796 align:middle But we go as far as have that partnership with our sheriff, local Sheriff Department and also 00:46:11.796 --> 00:46:15.966 align:middle with our teen center and the library just reaching out to the community around us. 00:46:16.326 --> 00:46:18.026 align:middle >> And one of the reason we have try to move 00:46:18.026 --> 00:46:20.986 align:middle to a different stakeholders, teachers one month maybe. 00:46:21.336 --> 00:46:25.706 align:middle Leadership-- student leadership is that in order for these programs especially 00:46:25.706 --> 00:46:29.426 align:middle on anti-bullying initiative to be successful. 00:46:29.706 --> 00:46:30.756 align:middle It has to be owned. 00:46:30.756 --> 00:46:32.666 align:middle And it can't be owned just by administrators. 00:46:33.096 --> 00:46:34.286 align:middle You know, and that's what I realized. 00:46:34.286 --> 00:46:36.986 align:middle And that was kind of a lesson I had to learn that, you know, 00:46:36.986 --> 00:46:39.526 align:middle we spend a lot of energy thinking about it. 00:46:39.816 --> 00:46:41.686 align:middle But we shouldn't be the only ones thinking about it. 00:46:41.686 --> 00:46:46.026 align:middle The ones who have to think about it is everybody on this campus, parents, kids, 00:46:46.556 --> 00:46:49.266 align:middle teachers everybody should be thinking about that. 00:46:49.526 --> 00:46:52.246 align:middle So we should-- the administrators can't be the only ones owning it. 00:46:52.476 --> 00:46:57.486 align:middle And so we always find new venues or ways that we spread the wealth so to speak. 00:46:57.946 --> 00:47:03.916 align:middle >> At that point is very important for any side administrator to just to pause 00:47:03.916 --> 00:47:12.576 align:middle and say have we done the work necessary in order to keep things smooth. 00:47:12.846 --> 00:47:18.996 align:middle Is it the fact that we as adults haven't spent the time to demonstrate respect 00:47:19.286 --> 00:47:21.996 align:middle to each other or to our students? 00:47:22.976 --> 00:47:26.946 align:middle Is it apparent among the adults, are they demonstrating it? 00:47:26.996 --> 00:47:32.716 align:middle Do they have a common understanding of what bullying is? 00:47:33.066 --> 00:47:37.526 align:middle Or a-- do they have the tools necessary in their tool-- 00:47:37.736 --> 00:47:42.796 align:middle in their kit to be able to intervene when they see an act of bullying. 00:47:44.136 --> 00:47:44.226 align:middle >> Wow. 00:47:44.446 --> 00:47:45.856 align:middle >> What do you think about that? 00:47:45.856 --> 00:47:46.636 align:middle >> That's incredible. 00:47:46.636 --> 00:47:50.826 align:middle I hope that our-- people who are joining us today found some helpful advice there. 00:47:50.826 --> 00:47:55.656 align:middle But I think that what really stood out to me is the fact that schools don't have 00:47:55.786 --> 00:47:59.846 align:middle to make a huge budget, you know, just to address this. 00:47:59.846 --> 00:48:01.496 align:middle It's something that you can start today. 00:48:01.626 --> 00:48:03.686 align:middle Even after seeing this Webinar. 00:48:03.936 --> 00:48:05.106 align:middle By if nothing else-- 00:48:05.106 --> 00:48:05.536 align:middle >> We hope so. 00:48:05.536 --> 00:48:10.056 align:middle >> -- right if by nothing else just being a friend to somebody and starting 00:48:10.056 --> 00:48:15.736 align:middle that turning a negative environment to something that's more positive it's more constructive. 00:48:15.736 --> 00:48:17.626 align:middle It builds that sense of community. 00:48:17.996 --> 00:48:19.966 align:middle >> The word partnership kept coming up. 00:48:19.966 --> 00:48:22.656 align:middle >> Yeah that's really strong word, that's great. 00:48:23.796 --> 00:48:29.086 align:middle >> I love the concept to the whole connectedness because schools-- 00:48:29.426 --> 00:48:33.756 align:middle in the crisis world, schools are magnets in the aftermath crisis. 00:48:33.846 --> 00:48:41.496 align:middle Many times we were questioned when we advice schools that had episodes of schools violence. 00:48:41.746 --> 00:48:47.426 align:middle Open those schools as soon as you can and the kids will come back. 00:48:47.596 --> 00:48:52.796 align:middle And if the schools were safe and perceived as safe many times in the immediate aftermath 00:48:52.796 --> 00:48:56.476 align:middle of traumatic events more kids came back to school 00:48:56.476 --> 00:48:59.386 align:middle than their usual average daily attendance. 00:48:59.386 --> 00:49:05.826 align:middle Because they-- I think everyone in the community turns to that school for a system of support. 00:49:05.826 --> 00:49:06.886 align:middle >> Yeah. That's great. 00:49:06.886 --> 00:49:09.706 align:middle >> And we want to thank each of these schools for giving us the time 00:49:09.706 --> 00:49:12.716 align:middle to interview them and visit them at their schools. 00:49:13.056 --> 00:49:15.076 align:middle Thank you so much for inspiring us. 00:49:15.076 --> 00:49:15.626 align:middle >> Yes. Thank you. 00:49:15.626 --> 00:49:19.856 align:middle >> And now for a little bit more inspiration Judy I know you get 00:49:19.856 --> 00:49:23.956 align:middle to hear some incredible stories of people making changes at schools. 00:49:24.276 --> 00:49:28.226 align:middle We love incredible stories so would you share just one? 00:49:28.226 --> 00:49:29.446 align:middle >> I have some great stories. 00:49:30.066 --> 00:49:30.406 align:middle >> All right. 00:49:30.406 --> 00:49:32.206 align:middle >> I did hear of one of our schools 00:49:32.326 --> 00:49:37.256 align:middle that this leadership team started a special classroom during lunch were anybody 00:49:37.256 --> 00:49:38.906 align:middle who needed a friend could go. 00:49:39.496 --> 00:49:41.346 align:middle It's just a friendship classroom. 00:49:41.826 --> 00:49:44.936 align:middle So if you didn't have anyone to eat lunch with, you went to this classroom. 00:49:45.146 --> 00:49:46.016 align:middle >> That's great. 00:49:46.016 --> 00:49:49.486 align:middle >> And then here on the screen we have this loveliest motivational picture. 00:49:49.486 --> 00:49:54.656 align:middle This is Acacia [assumed spelling] and Acacia moved to Palm Bay, Florida. 00:49:55.256 --> 00:49:59.846 align:middle And as you see Acacia this is-- missing one of her hands. 00:49:59.936 --> 00:50:02.736 align:middle And she was new to the school, she'd move around a lot 00:50:02.736 --> 00:50:03.976 align:middle and she really knew what it was like to be an outsider. 00:50:05.296 --> 00:50:07.486 align:middle But still she had leadership capacity. 00:50:07.916 --> 00:50:11.336 align:middle So what she had started at her school was a friendship bench. 00:50:11.666 --> 00:50:14.446 align:middle And that little bench that she sits on. 00:50:14.446 --> 00:50:14.756 align:middle >> That's so sweet. 00:50:14.816 --> 00:50:20.296 align:middle >> Is if you need a friend during lunch you just go and you sit down on that bench 00:50:20.296 --> 00:50:23.426 align:middle and you need someone to talk too that's a sign. 00:50:23.426 --> 00:50:28.706 align:middle And then somebody will come and sit next to you and they'll talk and you have an instant friend. 00:50:28.776 --> 00:50:31.086 align:middle It's just absolutely amazing. 00:50:31.536 --> 00:50:35.856 align:middle And this little project just warmed my heart this is Ashley More [assumed spelling]. 00:50:36.286 --> 00:50:39.916 align:middle And she was really bothered by hearing so many 00:50:39.916 --> 00:50:43.286 align:middle of her friends just constantly criticizing themselves. 00:50:43.846 --> 00:50:49.116 align:middle And she got motivated, just got this idea that she was going to make a difference. 00:50:49.216 --> 00:50:53.336 align:middle So she hand wrote almost 2,000 Post-its. 00:50:53.636 --> 00:50:53.966 align:middle >> Wow 00:50:54.316 --> 00:50:55.946 align:middle >> Each one said you're beautiful. 00:50:56.656 --> 00:51:01.286 align:middle And she put you're beautiful at every single locker on that campus. 00:51:02.026 --> 00:51:04.396 align:middle And she went there early and nobody knew who it was. 00:51:04.976 --> 00:51:08.716 align:middle And so everybody came to school that day and there was a Post-it 00:51:08.716 --> 00:51:10.776 align:middle on their locker that said you're beautiful. 00:51:11.306 --> 00:51:12.346 align:middle >> She must have gone there early. 00:51:12.536 --> 00:51:16.086 align:middle >> She did, she got very, very early. 00:51:16.116 --> 00:51:19.256 align:middle And the feedback from some of her classmates they said 00:51:19.256 --> 00:51:21.406 align:middle that that made all the difference in their world. 00:51:21.406 --> 00:51:23.326 align:middle And they started gushing with these stories 00:51:23.326 --> 00:51:26.176 align:middle about how helpless and hopeless they were feeling. 00:51:26.176 --> 00:51:27.336 align:middle And they got this note. 00:51:27.336 --> 00:51:31.716 align:middle A simple little thing like a Post-it and it really turned things for them. 00:51:31.806 --> 00:51:33.276 align:middle >> Very, very powerful story. 00:51:33.356 --> 00:51:34.976 align:middle Chills up to spine kind of story. 00:51:34.976 --> 00:51:36.926 align:middle >> Yeah. This is chills up to spine story. 00:51:36.996 --> 00:51:37.626 align:middle Thank you. 00:51:37.626 --> 00:51:37.776 align:middle >> All right. 00:51:37.776 --> 00:51:38.336 align:middle We are live. 00:51:38.336 --> 00:51:39.646 align:middle So we're going to live on the edge. 00:51:39.646 --> 00:51:43.956 align:middle Now we want to take some questions from you out in our audience today. 00:51:45.136 --> 00:51:51.266 align:middle OK. Can you address specific considerations when responding to or working 00:51:51.266 --> 00:51:53.956 align:middle to prevent bullying of LGBTQ+ youth? 00:51:53.956 --> 00:51:54.166 align:middle >> Youth. 00:51:54.376 --> 00:51:54.846 align:middle >> That's great. 00:51:55.616 --> 00:52:02.016 align:middle Well Judy why don't you tell us a little bit about the history L.A. Unified 00:52:02.016 --> 00:52:04.826 align:middle in addressing and supporting LGBTQ+ students. 00:52:04.826 --> 00:52:05.746 align:middle >> Sure I'll be happy to. 00:52:05.746 --> 00:52:09.466 align:middle L.A. Unified has had a very long history of having very positive 00:52:09.466 --> 00:52:13.356 align:middle and affirming policies for LGBTQ+ youth. 00:52:13.356 --> 00:52:15.346 align:middle I believe our first one was in 1988. 00:52:15.766 --> 00:52:17.826 align:middle So we go way, way back. 00:52:18.006 --> 00:52:23.136 align:middle We had our first inclusive curriculum and a mandated textbook is in 2004. 00:52:23.846 --> 00:52:29.016 align:middle So I think that a school that wants to really look at how they're going 00:52:29.016 --> 00:52:31.356 align:middle to create safer, more affirming campuses. 00:52:31.586 --> 00:52:32.926 align:middle These look multiple layers. 00:52:32.926 --> 00:52:36.356 align:middle So one is you have your policies which is very important. 00:52:36.776 --> 00:52:38.316 align:middle Next is you have our practices. 00:52:38.606 --> 00:52:41.286 align:middle And so we need to have our practices, 00:52:41.286 --> 00:52:49.176 align:middle our teachers in our school side administrators how do we make sure that we advertise 00:52:49.176 --> 00:52:51.916 align:middle and we demonstrate that this is a safe campus. 00:52:51.916 --> 00:52:54.746 align:middle So that-- through that positive messaging, interfering-- 00:52:54.826 --> 00:52:59.746 align:middle intervening if there's incidences of bullying or bias. 00:52:59.746 --> 00:53:04.826 align:middle And then the third level is actually specific outreach for children 00:53:04.826 --> 00:53:08.066 align:middle who themselves might feel targeted and that they feel 00:53:08.066 --> 00:53:10.626 align:middle like they need a little bit of extra support. 00:53:10.986 --> 00:53:17.686 align:middle So it's these three things in combination that really help to transform a campus. 00:53:18.006 --> 00:53:22.766 align:middle >> And I would add to that, having a Gay-straight alliance club or some sort 00:53:22.766 --> 00:53:28.306 align:middle of a club that student led that can really build that within the school. 00:53:28.586 --> 00:53:30.966 align:middle And that students are engaging in and making 00:53:30.966 --> 00:53:34.746 align:middle that something that's respected that school supports it. 00:53:34.746 --> 00:53:35.906 align:middle That everybody is engaged in. 00:53:35.906 --> 00:53:39.986 align:middle That's definitely been something that schools can do, you know, 00:53:39.986 --> 00:53:42.686 align:middle right away just getting that club going, right? 00:53:42.816 --> 00:53:47.616 align:middle And there's a lot of support Gay-straight alliance network online has a lot 00:53:47.616 --> 00:53:50.176 align:middle of support to getting that started. 00:53:50.176 --> 00:53:53.286 align:middle And I want to add that there's lots of resources within L.A. County. 00:53:53.286 --> 00:53:57.136 align:middle And we're definitely happy to share those with people who are watching us today. 00:53:57.526 --> 00:54:03.566 align:middle On, you know either trainings or different people who could come and share their stories. 00:54:03.766 --> 00:54:10.096 align:middle Helping the whole school get engaged by maybe creating an event that celebrates identities, 00:54:10.146 --> 00:54:12.276 align:middle talking about family diversity, right? 00:54:12.276 --> 00:54:15.406 align:middle Especially in elementary schools, talking about how all 00:54:15.406 --> 00:54:18.706 align:middle of our families are different sometimes we have families with two mommies, two daddies, 00:54:18.706 --> 00:54:23.526 align:middle one mommy, one grandma, one grandpa, you know, all of that goes in. 00:54:23.636 --> 00:54:28.706 align:middle >> Speaking of two daddies, two mommies, mommies and daddies how do we get parents involved? 00:54:28.706 --> 00:54:29.746 align:middle >> Oh that's a good question. 00:54:29.746 --> 00:54:30.976 align:middle I'm going to turn to Judy. 00:54:31.221 --> 00:54:33.221 align:middle [ Laughter ] 00:54:33.426 --> 00:54:37.006 align:middle >> We just extend the invitation, extend the invitation. 00:54:37.006 --> 00:54:45.946 align:middle You know, I think that sometimes we might worry about, you know, might a parent feel offended. 00:54:46.336 --> 00:54:50.556 align:middle And so we need to reach out to that parent and find out what it is their concerns are. 00:54:50.896 --> 00:54:54.826 align:middle And let them know that our job is to support their children all 00:54:54.826 --> 00:54:57.386 align:middle of our children on our campuses to feel engaged. 00:54:57.776 --> 00:55:03.826 align:middle And we also know that 16 percent of our students have somebody in their family, 00:55:03.826 --> 00:55:07.916 align:middle in their immediate family who is lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender. 00:55:08.876 --> 00:55:14.556 align:middle So it's not just our LGBTQ+ students, there's 16 percent of them have family members as well. 00:55:14.846 --> 00:55:16.686 align:middle So this is a huge population. 00:55:17.536 --> 00:55:22.956 align:middle We have on our website on humanrelations.lausd.net. 00:55:22.956 --> 00:55:28.296 align:middle There's curriculum on their, there's books, there's flyers and pamphlets 00:55:28.296 --> 00:55:32.486 align:middle and education materials for the parents as well as for the teachers and the students. 00:55:33.026 --> 00:55:37.066 align:middle Just so many resources we just need to make it available. 00:55:37.216 --> 00:55:41.586 align:middle >> One strategy with parents that we often offer schools is looking 00:55:41.586 --> 00:55:43.276 align:middle at what are the strengths of that school. 00:55:43.446 --> 00:55:44.816 align:middle When do parents come together? 00:55:44.816 --> 00:55:46.356 align:middle Is it back to school night? 00:55:46.356 --> 00:55:48.766 align:middle Is it cultural celebration night? 00:55:49.086 --> 00:55:50.906 align:middle When do parents come, right? 00:55:50.906 --> 00:55:52.286 align:middle Is it to pick up their kids from school? 00:55:52.336 --> 00:55:53.396 align:middle When can we find them, right? 00:55:53.396 --> 00:55:53.463 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:55:53.676 --> 00:55:59.576 align:middle >> And then capitalizing on those moments to find creative ways of engaging parents 00:55:59.576 --> 00:56:04.796 align:middle in a dialogue that you can then come to revisit, build that capacity within the parents. 00:56:05.286 --> 00:56:07.016 align:middle And you'll get that leadership going. 00:56:07.016 --> 00:56:11.996 align:middle You'll see parents wanting to start engaged if you allow them to be a part of that process. 00:56:12.196 --> 00:56:15.586 align:middle And language is important right having the variety of languages. 00:56:15.626 --> 00:56:19.726 align:middle So that they feel like it's part of their culture and that you're also taking 00:56:19.726 --> 00:56:22.746 align:middle to account their family that's really important. 00:56:22.746 --> 00:56:25.306 align:middle >> We always advice community forums. 00:56:25.306 --> 00:56:28.406 align:middle But we informally refer to them as You all comes. 00:56:28.576 --> 00:56:29.706 align:middle >> You all comes. 00:56:29.706 --> 00:56:32.156 align:middle >> And we got the word through media, you know, 00:56:32.156 --> 00:56:35.366 align:middle tonight's going to be a You all come at the school for parents. 00:56:35.476 --> 00:56:40.556 align:middle Informational meeting can be very powerful because we found information helps. 00:56:40.586 --> 00:56:40.756 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:56:40.896 --> 00:56:41.666 align:middle >> Absolutely. 00:56:41.696 --> 00:56:43.316 align:middle >> And expecting the best from parents. 00:56:43.316 --> 00:56:47.836 align:middle Parents want to do what's right with their children and so expecting 00:56:47.836 --> 00:56:49.356 align:middle that that's why they're coming to you. 00:56:49.616 --> 00:56:54.736 align:middle And helping change that maybe negative situation to a positive by utilizing that. 00:56:54.736 --> 00:56:56.336 align:middle >> I think we can one more question in. 00:56:56.336 --> 00:56:56.946 align:middle >> OK. 00:56:56.946 --> 00:56:58.886 align:middle >> Because this a good question. 00:56:58.886 --> 00:57:03.106 align:middle How should the school deal with reluctant teachers who don't want to participate 00:57:03.106 --> 00:57:06.046 align:middle in developing school-wide bullying prevention policies? 00:57:07.166 --> 00:57:14.966 align:middle >> Well I think that teachers are employees, you know, and I think that really teachers do go 00:57:14.966 --> 00:57:16.906 align:middle into teaching because they want to make a difference. 00:57:17.526 --> 00:57:21.016 align:middle I would want to sit down with that teacher and find out what their reluctance is. 00:57:21.316 --> 00:57:23.916 align:middle They might actually have some insight into it. 00:57:23.916 --> 00:57:29.696 align:middle They might see a little bit of something with that program that maybe they've tried it before. 00:57:29.696 --> 00:57:30.826 align:middle It hasn't been successful. 00:57:30.826 --> 00:57:35.876 align:middle So they might have some really good ideas about how to make that program even better. 00:57:36.306 --> 00:57:40.386 align:middle So I think that our reluctant employees are probably sometimes seeing things 00:57:40.386 --> 00:57:41.156 align:middle that we haven't. 00:57:41.426 --> 00:57:44.066 align:middle So I would engage them and see what they have to say. 00:57:44.066 --> 00:57:48.266 align:middle And how can we make this better we all are going to agree on the goal. 00:57:48.746 --> 00:57:53.346 align:middle And the goal is how can we make this the best place it can be for our students 00:57:53.426 --> 00:57:55.096 align:middle and our staff and their families? 00:57:55.366 --> 00:57:57.196 align:middle >> Well we're coming close to an end. 00:57:57.196 --> 00:58:01.196 align:middle I want to make sure that we get all the resources that are available out there. 00:58:01.196 --> 00:58:05.926 align:middle So first Judy can you tell us very quickly about the resources for LAUSD. 00:58:05.926 --> 00:58:10.396 align:middle >> Sure this is the website for the Office of Human Relations, Diversity and Equity 00:58:10.396 --> 00:58:14.256 align:middle as you see you could go on LAUSD and find it under School Offices. 00:58:14.776 --> 00:58:21.686 align:middle And it's a pretty rich source of there's PowerPoints, there's educational materials, 00:58:21.686 --> 00:58:27.076 align:middle there's some PSAs that we happened to love and that we are endorsing for-- 00:58:27.246 --> 00:58:29.166 align:middle informally endorsing I should say. 00:58:29.536 --> 00:58:34.756 align:middle For our schools and so they could go under the Bully tab, go under the Diversity tab, 00:58:34.996 --> 00:58:36.506 align:middle there's a couple of different tabs on there. 00:58:36.806 --> 00:58:38.226 align:middle There's the calendar of [inaudible] event. 00:58:38.516 --> 00:58:42.516 align:middle Events which is wonderful because we get to see the richness of our school communities. 00:58:43.776 --> 00:58:45.656 align:middle Go on there you could spend hours. 00:58:45.656 --> 00:58:45.836 align:middle >> Yeah. 00:58:45.836 --> 00:58:46.506 align:middle >> And hours exploring. 00:58:46.546 --> 00:58:49.976 align:middle >> It's like totally rich and I can see that our website-- 00:58:49.976 --> 00:58:51.146 align:middle >> Your website is on there. 00:58:51.146 --> 00:58:52.236 align:middle >> -- how to prevent suicide is on there. 00:58:52.236 --> 00:58:52.506 align:middle >> Of course. 00:58:52.506 --> 00:58:54.976 align:middle >> Sara, remind us if people want to get more information 00:58:54.976 --> 00:58:56.706 align:middle about project SPIN, where can they go? 00:58:56.806 --> 00:59:01.246 align:middle >> Sure the website is projectspin.org and not only will it lead you to all 00:59:01.246 --> 00:59:02.886 align:middle of the agencies that are part of SPIN. 00:59:03.186 --> 00:59:08.726 align:middle But if somebody needs additional helpers maybe facing the incident on their school campus 00:59:08.726 --> 00:59:14.296 align:middle and needs just some support in strategizing around how could we best deal with this. 00:59:14.646 --> 00:59:16.436 align:middle Feel free to reach out to us on our website. 00:59:16.896 --> 00:59:20.896 align:middle >> Well this has been absolutely wonderful for me the time has gone like that. 00:59:20.896 --> 00:59:21.326 align:middle >> So quickly. 00:59:21.326 --> 00:59:25.166 align:middle >> So we want to thank Sara and Judy for their astute observations today. 00:59:25.576 --> 00:59:31.106 align:middle And I am certainly L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center in LAUSD take a great deal of pride 00:59:31.106 --> 00:59:35.526 align:middle in their expertise and their leadership and an incredible impact 00:59:35.526 --> 00:59:37.526 align:middle that they have on the lives of their students. 00:59:38.006 --> 00:59:38.996 align:middle >> [Simultaneously] Thank you Rich. 00:59:38.996 --> 00:59:42.786 align:middle >> I knew I invited the right experts to join me on the panel today. 00:59:42.786 --> 00:59:43.826 align:middle >> Thank you so much. 00:59:43.826 --> 00:59:49.146 align:middle >> We also want to thank our video guests for their incredible contribution to this Webcast. 00:59:49.296 --> 00:59:51.986 align:middle And we want to thank all of you out there for joining us today. 00:59:51.986 --> 00:59:57.976 align:middle If you'd like a copy of today's PowerPoint please visit us at preventsuicide.lacoe.edu. 00:59:59.226 --> 01:00:03.336 align:middle From our great teams at LACOE communications and the Centre 01:00:03.336 --> 01:00:08.206 align:middle for Distance & Online Learning I'm Rich Lieberman take care of yourself.