to districts, schools, parents, and high-risk youth.
The Suicide Prevention Ongoing Resiliency Training (SPORT) project provides training, support, and resources to implement a sustainable system to deliver culturally inclusive suicide prevention, intervention, postvention, and social-emotional learning (SEL) content to Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, School-Based Mental Health Professionals and Support Staff. Additionally, this project braids in support for Local Educational Agencies to align local services and plans to the California Statewide MTSS initiative. Many districts use the SPORT project for continued guidance and support in complying with the mandates of AB2246 and AB 1767.
Youth Suicide Prevention and Student Well-Being Series
Resources to Implement Policy Change for AB 2246: Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention.
SPORT2 Teams, despite an unprecedented school year, you persevered. Suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies were shared within your communities and implemented into your multi-tiered system of supports. This video premiered at the Los Angeles County Suicide Prevention Network’s (LASPN) 10th Annual Suicide Prevention Summit. Please enjoy and thank you!
Through our long-standing partnership between LACOE's Center for Distance and Online Learning (CDOL) unit and the Directing Change program, students in Los Angeles County can receive targeted support to participate in Directing Change’s categories that uplift student voice and build student leadership around topics related to social justice and health topics (Ages 12 and up), Mental Wellbeing (Middle School), and Suicide Prevention.
California’s Mental Health Movement
From the Webinar Series