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Teacher and Mental Health Professional Roles in Prevention
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Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools
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After a Suicide:
A Toolkit for Schools
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Toolkit for Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

This Toolkit, from the Health Care Alliance for Response to Adolescent Depression, assists schools with promoting mental health, intervening in a mental health crisis, and supporting members of a school community after a loss to suicide.

Suicide Postvention Resources


Losing Someone to Suicide

Suicide Prevention Resources

Maintaining a Positive School Climate

  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

    This is the Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This website provides information for school districts on school climate and universal, targeted, and intensive behavioral supports for students.

Suicide Awareness Activities

  • Know the Signs

    Know the Signs is a California social marketing campaign emphasizing three key messages: “Know the signs. Find the words. Reach out.” This link takes you to resources and offers assistance to help increase knowledge of warning signs of suicide.

High School Clubs

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness On Campus (NAMI OC)

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness is a mental health organization focused on building better lives for those affected by mental illness. NAMI OC high school clubs are student-led clubs that raise mental health awareness and reduce stigma through peer-led education and campus activities.

Mental Health Awareness

  • Each Mind Matters

    Each Mind Matters is California’s mental health movement. This website includes resources and information to create your school’s campaign to raise awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental health disorders. This is important since many youth who experience suicidal thoughts also have a mental health issue.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Other Resources