Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide
This website and The Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide were developed by leading experts in suicide prevention and in collaboration with several international suicide prevention and public health organizations, schools of journalism, media organizations and key journalists as well as Internet safety experts. The recommendations are based on more than 50 international studies on suicide contagion.
Parent Engagement
Parent Event Toolkit: What I Wish My Parents Knew
This parent engagement event toolkit was first implemented by the Poway Unified School District in San Diego County and is on the Each Mind Matters website.
Student Engagement
More than Sad, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Program for students, parents and teachers on signs of depression and other mental health problems, how to initiate a conversation about mental health and how to get help. (Cost involved)
Leads for Youth
LEADS curriculum is intended for students in grades 9-12 and creates opportunities for conversations within the classroom around suicide and depression and the stigma surrounding suicide. Included in the curriculum is a Teacher’s Guide, group and individual activities, suicide prevention resources and a template for a school suicide crisis management plan. (Cost involved)
Friend to Friend
Online simulation for youth to learn to recognize and help when your friend is struggling with mental health. (Cost involved)
NAMI Ending The Silence Presentations
NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation series for students, families or staff that help audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental illness. (Cost involved)
Walk in Our Shoes website
The Walk in Our Shoes website uses real stories from teens to teach youth about mental health challenges. The website includes lesson plans and activities. (Free)
PAX Good Behavior Game
PAX is a classroom game kit that teaches elementary students self-regulation, self-control, and self-management. (Cost involved)
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
Yellow Ribbon has high school, elementary school and adult curricula that empower youth/young people, their parents and adults who work with youth in learning how to confront the issues of suicide and suicide prevention. (Cost involved)
Trevor Project, Lifeguard Workshop
Video, curricula and classroom activities for middle and high schools students and their teachers. (Free)
Staff Training Online
QPR Online Gatekeeper Training
Training Includes: How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal; How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide; The common causes of suicidal behavior; The warning signs of suicide; and How to get help for someone in crisis. 60-90 minute gatekeeper training can be free through the LA County Department of Mental Health. Contact for additional information. (Cost involved)
Suicide Prevention Policies & California Schools Webinar
This webinar will include information regarding this new law and practical information to help you develop a policy to prevent student suicides. Topics include: AB 2246 – Requirements & Resources; Warning Signs; Protective Factors; and Postvention Toolkit. (Free)
Signs Matter: Early Detection
The program presents scientifically based information on a variety of topics related to youth suicide, alongside best practice recommendations drawn from experts in the mental health and education fields. (Cost involved)
At-Risk For PK-12 Educators
A suite of products to teach PK-12 educators about mental health and suicide prevention which supports improved student wellness and school safety. (Cost involved)
LA County Department of Mental Health Training Partners
To learn more about any of the above trainings or to make a training request, please contact us at
The Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Trainings
The Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center offers trainings in suicide prevention and treatment. The Length of trainings and costs varies. For more information or to schedule a training contact 310-895-2329 CEUs
Student Data
California Healthy Kids Survey
The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is the largest statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors, risk behaviors, and school climate in the nation. The California Health Kids Survey collects data on from students in grades 5, 7, 9 and 11 about attitudes, behaviors, and experiences related to school and learning. District level reports can be accessed from
California School Dashboard
The Fall 2017 Dashboard shows how districts and schools are performing on test scores, graduation rates and other measures of student success.
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
It monitors six types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults. Data from high school and middle school surveys are included. You can filter and sort on the basis of race/ethnicity, sex, grade, sexual orientation, or site.
Cultural Competence
The SPRC and SAMHSA have culturally competent information regarding suicide and suicide prevention for various ethnic groups.
SAMHSA Resources – African American Population
SPRC Resource Page – Asian American and Pacific Islander Population
SAMHSA Resources – Asian American and Pacific Islander Population
SPRC Resource Page – Hispanic and Latino Population
SAMHSA Resources – Hispanic and Latino Population
SPRC Resource Page – American Indian and Alaska Native Population
SAMHSA Resources – American Indian and Alaska Native Population